I ADDED THE LETTERS HERE, SO THAT ANY RELEVANT INFO WOULDN'T BE MISSING. --------------Uuscape----------------------- From: Sandman Message-ID: <11145.9403021449@cch.coventry.ac.uk> To: blitz-list@helsinki.fi Status: RO Here's some source code for all you fellow blitzers. It's a landscape program. First of all it produces a plasma type view, after a mousewait it continues to do a 3d scape. I take no credit for this at all, csi077 at my address wrote this and has allowed me to upload it. What a dude! Cheers Pete. Anyway, do what you like with this file. Let's hope this starts off some source sharing... :) Andy :) --------------3D-Blitz2--------------------- To: Amiga 3D-coders From: G. Hawkins Kirk About: 3D+glasses; here's a demo and some code. This [uuencoded(lha'd)] file contains: xspecs.asm ;3D-glasses enable/disable/driver code 3D-Blitz2.exe ;executable demo of elementary 3D+glasses display 3D-Blitz2.exe.info ;Blitz2 icon Enjoy. -GHK --------------TextureMapping---------------- Here's a small program to for all to browse, implementing a very slow version of realtime texture mapping. I don't think it'll be of use to anyone, but hey, what the heck. Btw: post me any speed improvements. Thanks. Son Le o-------------- ---o | Son H. Le - internet address:s924723@minyos.xx.rmit.edu.au - no comment | o--- ------------o --------------ProgInd----------------------- G'day all, It seems that quite a few of you out there are interested in the Progress Indicator routines which I wrote the other day, so I am posting it to the list (I hope noone minds 8-)). Any comments, bug-reports etc welcome. ----------------------------------------------------------- Dave Cole | Editor of: s933384@yallara.cs.rmit.oz.au | s933384@minyos.xx.rmit.oz.au | The Warhammer Compendium David_Cole@guru.apana.org.au | -----------------------------------------------------------