; Standard Initialization DEFTYPE .w WBStartup NoCli WbToScreen 0 ShowScreen 0 ; The bitmap with the pattern. #PATTERN=0 ; Setup BorderPens 2,1 ExScreenObj 0 BitMap #PATTERN,64,32,3 Circlef 32,16,30,15,3 Circlef 32,16,15,7,0 patwidth=64 patheight=32 Statement Putpattern {w,close,bor} SHARED patwidth,patheight Use Window w ww=InnerWidth wh=InnerHeight xa=0:ya=0:ystop=0 If close=1 Then xa=6:ya=4 y=2-ya/2 If patwidth>ww-6+xa Then bw=ww-6+xa:Else bw=patwidth If patheight>wh-4+ya Then bh=wh-4+ya:Else bh=patheight Repeat x=3-xa/2 If patwidth>ww-6+xa Then bw=ww-6+xa:Else bw=patwidth Repeat BitMaptoWindow #PATTERN,w,0,0,x+WBorLeft,y+WBorTop,bw,bh x+bw If x+bw-1=>ww-3+xa/2 Then bw=ww-x-3+xa/2:BitMaptoWindow #PATTERN,w,0,0,x+WBorLeft,y+WBorTop,bw,bh:x=ww-3+xa/2 Until x=>ww-3+xa/2 y+bh If y=>wh-3+ya/2 Then ystop=1 If y+bh=>wh-2+ya/2 Then bh=wh-y-2+ya/2 Until ystop=1 If close=0 AND bor=1 GadgetBorder WBorLeft+6,WBorTop+3,ww-8-WBorRight,wh-4-WBorBottom If close=1 AND bor=1 GadgetBorder WBorLeft+4,WBorTop+2,ww-4-WBorRight,wh-2-WBorBottom End Statement ; Let's try it! Window 0,20,10,300,150,0,"EXAMPLE WINDOW",-1,-1 Putpattern {w,0,1} MouseWait End