;*********************************************** ; GUI source created with: ; Blitz 2 GUI Generator V1.7 ; (C) Copyright 1993-1995 Creative Software. ; ; Registered To: Simon Archer ; User Number : 1 ; ; GUI Designed By: ; Simon Archer ; ; Converted from a GUI file created using ; GadToolsBox V2.0. The ultimate GUI Creator! ;*********************************************** ; WBStartup ; start from Workbench NoCli ; no default CLI ; .InitialiseVars ; Project0Wnd = 0 Project0GList = 0 ; This represents the gadgetlist number. Change to suit Project0Scr = 0 ; This represents the screen number. Change to suit ; FindScreen Project0Scr ;Lets grab the screen's structure... *scr.Screen = Peek.l(Addr Screen(Project0Scr)) ; ; Load the font to use with this GUI... Project0Font$ = "topaz.font" Project0FontSize = 8 LoadFont 1,Project0Font$,Project0FontSize : Use IntuiFont 1 ; ; This is the NEWTYPE variable for the list used by the ListView gadget NEWTYPE .listview pad.w ; This is a limitation of Blitz 2 string.s End NEWTYPE ; ;Fill the TextAttr structure Project0FontAttr.TextAttr\ta_Name = &Project0Font$,Project0FontSize,0,0 ; ;This sets font sensitivity for the screen.. *scr\Font\ta_Name = Project0FontAttr\ta_Name ; Dim List Project0ListV0.listview(4) ;This list is used by your listview gadget. ; If AddItem(Project0ListV0()) Then Project0ListV0()\pad = 13,"My First Item" If AddItem(Project0ListV0()) Then Project0ListV0()\pad = 14,"My Second Item" If AddItem(Project0ListV0()) Then Project0ListV0()\pad = 13,"My Third Item" If AddItem(Project0ListV0()) Then Project0ListV0()\pad = 12,"My Last Item" GTTags #GTLV_ShowSelected,0 GTListView windonum,50,5,3,413,88,"",$0,Project0ListV0.listview(),0,0 ; ; Define the window... AddIDCMP $024C077E ; set the IDCMP tags for window Window windonum,95,55,431,109,$20100E,"ListView Test",0,1 ; AttachGTList windonum,windonum ; ; .MainEventHandler ; Repeat ev.l = WaitEvent ; wait for IDCMP event k$ = Inkey$ ; store key press, if any. If ev = $40 AND EventWindow = windonum ; gadget been hit If GadgetHit = 50 ; Action for ListViewGad here EndIf EndIf If k$ = Chr$(27) Then Goto _quit ; this allows us to break out! Until ev = $200 Then Goto _quit ; close gadget ; ._quit ; this can be used to build custom exit End ; quit now!