; Dual playfield display example for AGA Amigas only.
; Demonstrates how to get the correct colours for the rear
; playfield by using DisplayControls - see Page 137 of the new
; manual or press RightAmiga/Help on the same line as the command ;)
; Ted Bailey 12/2/96


;SetErr:End:End SetErr

SpriteMode 2        ; AGA only sprites (64 pixels wide)

NEWTYPE.spr         ; for the list of three AGA sprites
  sx.w              ; x position
  xv.w              ; x velocity
  sy.w              ; y    "
  yv.w              ; y    "
  ch.w              ; sprite channel to display sprite through
End NEWTYPE         ;

Dim List sprites.spr(2)

BitMap 0,384,288,4  ; front playfield 16 colour bitmap
BitMap 1,384,288,4  ; back playfield 16 colour bitmap

InitShape 0,64,64,4 ; shape to turn into a sprite
ShapesBitMap 0,2    ; for drawing directly onto shapes 'bitmap'

InitPalette 0,256   ; colour regs 0 and 16 are transparent
                    ; colour regs 1->15 are for front playfield
                    ; colour regs 15->31 are for back playfield
                    ; colour regs 240->255 are for sprites

                    ; AGA dualplayfield, smoothscrolling display
InitCopList 0,40,256,$10038,8,256,0

            ; make the back playfield use colour registers 16->31
            ; by putting %0001110000000000 ($1c00) into BPLCON3
            ; and make the sprites use colour registers 240->255
            ; by putting %0000000011101110 ($00ee) into BPLCON4
DisplayControls 0,0,$1c00,$00ee

VWait 50:BLITZ

Gosub initcolours
Gosub initbitmaps
Gosub initsprites

d.w=0       ; initialise 'degrees' counter
fx.q=16     ; front playfield x starting position
fy.q=16     ;   "       "     y    "        "
bx.q=16     ; back      "     x    "        "
by.q=16     ;   "       "     y    "        "

CreateDisplay 0:DisplayPalette 0,0

  DisplayBitMap 0,0,fx,fy,1,bx,by

  Gosub movesprites     ; move/display 3 64*64 16 colour sprites

  ang.f=d*Pi/180        ;
  sinn=Sin(ang)*16      ; move front and back playfields
  coss=Cos(ang)*16      ; in a circle pattern
  fx=16+sinn            ;
  fy=16+coss            ;
  bx=16+coss            ;
  by=16+sinn            ;

  d+3:If d>359 Then d=0 ; increment degrees counter

Until Joyb(0)


  For cr=1 To 15                       ;
    AGAPalRGB 0,cr,0,Rnd(255),50+cr*10 ; front playfield colours
  Next                                 ;
  For cr=17 To 31                      ;
    AGAPalRGB 0,cr,50+cr*5,Rnd(255),0  ; back playfield colours
  Next                                 ;
  For cr=240 To 255                    ;
    col=(255-cr)*15                    ;
    AGAPalRGB 0,cr,col,col,col         ; sprite colours
  Next                                 ;

  Use BitMap 0            ; draw some random lines + circles on
  For i.w=1 To 15         ; the front bitmap
    For n.w=1 To 5
      Line Rnd(384),Rnd(288),Rnd(384),Rnd(288),i
      Circlef Rnd(384),Rnd(288),10+Rnd(10),10+Rnd(10),i
  Use BitMap 1            ; draw some random circles on the back
  For i=1 To 15           ; bitmap
    For n=1 To 5
      Circlef Rnd(384),Rnd(288),20+Rnd(10),20+Rnd(10),i

  Use BitMap 2        ; draw some concentric circles on the
  For i=1 To 15       ; shapes' bitmap
    Circlef 32-i/2,32-i/2,32-i*2,16-i
  GetaSprite 0,0      ; turn the shape into a sprite
  Free Shape 0        ; get rid of shape
  chn.w=0             ; initialise sprite channel counter
  USEPATH sprites()
  While AddItem(sprites())
    \sx=50+Rnd(100)   ;
    \xv=1+Rnd(4)      ; initialise each sprites' x/y positions
    \sy=-50-Rnd(50)   ; and velocities.
    \yv=1             ;
    \ch=chn           ; set the sprite channel to display through
    chn+2             ; needs 2 channels per sprite (16 colours)

  USEPATH sprites()
  ResetList sprites()
  While NextItem(sprites())
    \sx+\xv                                 ;
    If \sx<0 Then \xv=-\xv:\sx=0            ; bounce off walls
    If \sx>256 Then \xv=-\xv:\sx=256        ;
    \yv+1                                   ;
    \sy+\yv                                 ; bounce off ground
    If \sy>194 Then \yv=-10-Rnd(10):\sy=194 ;
    DisplaySprite 0,0,\sx,\sy,\ch           ; show the sprite