Statement BusyWindow {busy$} SHARED WinFSize,RScreenH,RScreenW,yfactor,pattern Menus Off ; Just turns off the menus! x1=RScreenW/2-(RScreenW/4)-20:x2=(RScreenW/2)+20 y1=RScreenH/2-(RScreenH/5/yfactor):y2=WinFSize*4 Window 0,x1,y1,x2,y2,0,"",0,1 If pattern=1 Then putpattern {0,0,1}:WJam 0 ; use WJam 0 if a window pattern rast.l=RastPort(0) ; is used! ; Find the WIDTH of the text WindowFont 1 ; use the right font. l=Len(busy$) t=TextLength_(rast(0),busy$,l) WColour 1,0 d=(InnerWidth/2) d=d-t/2 WLocate d,(InnerHeight/2)-WinFSize/2 Print busy$ WindowToFront_ (Peek.l(Addr Window(0))) WJam 1 ; return WJam to default. End Statement