----------------------- Simone Tellini Order form for Piazza Resistenza 2 42016 Guastalla RE STFax ITALY ----------------------- Dear Simone, I'd like to register to STFax, please send me my keyfile. I'd like to receive the keyfile by ( ) Snail Mail ( ) E-Mail (PGP public key needed) I include the registration fee of Country | Fee | Method of payment --------------------------------------------------------- ( ) Italy | LIT 45.000 | Contanti, vaglia, assegno --------------------------------------------------------- ( ) Europe | LIT 50.000 | Cash, postal money order, | | EuroCheques --------------------------------------------------------- ( ) Rest of the | US $ 35 | Cash, postal money order world | | NO CHEQUES! --------------------------------------------------------- Name __________________ Surname _________________________ Address _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Country _____________ Phone Number +___________________ FAX ___________________ E-Mail __________________________ Date __________________ Sign __________________________ Amiga owned: Kickstart: Memory: ___ Mb ( ) 500 ( ) 500+ ( ) 1.3 ( ) 3.0 HardDisk: ___ Mb ( ) 2000 ( ) 3000 ( ) 2.04 ( ) 3.1 ( ) 1200 ( ) 4000 ( ) 2.1 Modem Model: ___________ Baud: ___________ Comments: __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________