# Copyright (C) 1995, 1996, 1997 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved. # # This file is part of Aladdin Ghostscript. # # Aladdin Ghostscript is distributed with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. No author # or distributor accepts any responsibility for the consequences of using it, # or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all, unless he # or she says so in writing. Refer to the Aladdin Ghostscript Free Public # License (the "License") for full details. # # Every copy of Aladdin Ghostscript must include a copy of the License, # normally in a plain ASCII text file named PUBLIC. The License grants you # the right to copy, modify and redistribute Aladdin Ghostscript, but only # under certain conditions described in the License. Among other things, the # License requires that the copyright notice and this notice be preserved on # all copies. # makefile for Unix / gcc library testing. VPATH = @srcdir@ srcdir = @srcdir@ include version.mak prefix = @prefix@ datadir = $(prefix)/share gsdir = $(datadir)/ghostscript gsdatadir = $(gsdir)/$(GS_DOT_VERSION) GS_DOCDIR=$(gsatadir)/doc GS_LIB_DEFAULT=$(gsdatadir):$(gsdir)/fonts SEARCH_HERE_FIRST=1 GS_INIT=gs_init.ps GENOPT=-DDEBUG GS=gslib JSRCDIR=$(srcdir)/jpeg-6a JVERSION=6 PSRCDIR=$(srcdir)/libpng PVERSION=96 SHARE_LIBPNG=0 LIBPNG_NAME=png ZSRCDIR=$(srcdir)/zlib SHARE_ZLIB=0 ZLIB_NAME=z CONFIG= CC=@CC@ CCLD=$(CC) #GCFLAGS=-Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wstrict-prototypes -Wwrite-strings GCFLAGS=-Dconst= -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wstrict-prototypes CFLAGS=@CFLAGS@ $(GCFLAGS) $(XCFLAGS) LDFLAGS=@LDFLAGS@ $(XLDFLAGS) EXTRALIBS= XINCLUDE=-I/usr/X11R6.1/include XLIBDIRS=-L/usr/X11/lib XLIBDIR= XLIBS=Xt Xext X11 FPU_TYPE=1 FEATURE_DEVS=patlib.dev path1lib.dev hsblib.dev COMPILE_INITS=0 BAND_LIST_STORAGE=file BAND_LIST_COMPRESSOR=zlib FILE_IMPLEMENTATION=stdio DEVICE_DEVS=x11.dev x11mono.dev x11alpha.dev x11cmyk.dev\ djet500.dev\ pbmraw.dev pgmraw.dev ppmraw.dev DEVICE_DEVS1= DEVICE_DEVS2= DEVICE_DEVS3= DEVICE_DEVS4= DEVICE_DEVS5= DEVICE_DEVS6= DEVICE_DEVS7= DEVICE_DEVS8= DEVICE_DEVS9= DEVICE_DEVS10= DEVICE_DEVS11= DEVICE_DEVS12= DEVICE_DEVS13= DEVICE_DEVS14= DEVICE_DEVS15= MAKEFILE=ugcclib.mak AK= CCAUX=$(CC) CCC=$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -c CCLEAF=$(CCC) # When using gcc, CCA2K isn't needed.... CCA2K=$(CC) include unixhead.mak include gs.mak include lib.mak include jpeg.mak include libpng.mak include zlib.mak include devs.mak # Following is from unixtail.mak, we have a different link step. unix__=gp_nofb.$(OBJ) gp_unix.$(OBJ) gp_unifs.$(OBJ) gp_unifn.$(OBJ) unix_.dev: $(unix__) $(SETMOD) unix_ $(unix__) gp_unix.$(OBJ): gp_unix.c $(AK) $(string__h) $(gx_h) $(gsexit_h) $(gp_h) \ $(time__h) sysv__=gp_nofb.$(OBJ) gp_unix.$(OBJ) gp_unifs.$(OBJ) gp_unifn.$(OBJ) gp_sysv.$(OBJ) sysv_.dev: $(sysv__) $(SETMOD) sysv_ $(sysv__) gp_sysv.$(OBJ): gp_sysv.c $(time__h) $(AK) amiga__=gp_nofb.$(OBJ) gp_amiga.$(OBJ) gdevpipe.$(OBJ) #ldexp.$(OBJ) frexp.$(OBJ) modf.$(OBJ) amiga_.dev: $(amiga__) $(SETMOD) amiga_ $(amiga__) # $(ADDMOD) amiga_ -iodev pipe gp_amiga.$(OBJ): gp_amiga.c $(AK) $(string__h) $(gx_h) $(gsexit_h) $(gp_h) \ $(time__h) $(ANSI2KNR_XE): ansi2knr.c $(stdio__h) $(string__h) $(malloc__h) $(CCA2K) $(O)$(ANSI2KNR_XE) $(srcdir)/ansi2knr.c $(ECHOGS_XE): echogs.c $(CCAUX) $(O)$(ECHOGS_XE) $(srcdir)/echogs.c $(GENARCH_XE): genarch.c $(stdpre_h) $(CCAUX) $(O)$(GENARCH_XE) $(srcdir)/genarch.c $(GENCONF_XE): genconf.c $(stdpre_h) $(CCAUX) $(O)$(GENCONF_XE) $(srcdir)/genconf.c $(GENINIT_XE): geninit.c $(stdio__h) $(string__h) $(CCAUX) $(O)$(GENINIT_XE) $(srcdir)/geninit.c INCLUDE=/usr/include gconfig_.h: $(UNIXTAIL_MAK) $(ECHOGS_XE) ./echogs -w gconfig_.h -x 2f2a -s This file was generated automatically. -s -x 2a2f sh -c 'if ( test -f $(INCLUDE)/dirent.h ); then ./echogs -a gconfig_.h -x 23 define HAVE_DIRENT_H; fi' sh -c 'if ( test -f $(INCLUDE)/ndir.h ); then ./echogs -a gconfig_.h -x 23 define HAVE_NDIR_H; fi' sh -c 'if ( test -f $(INCLUDE)/sys/dir.h ); then ./echogs -a gconfig_.h -x 23 define HAVE_SYS_DIR_H; fi' sh -c 'if ( test -f $(INCLUDE)/sys/ndir.h ); then ./echogs -a gconfig_.h -x 23 define HAVE_SYS_NDIR_H; fi' sh -c 'if ( test -f $(INCLUDE)/sys/time.h ); then ./echogs -a gconfig_.h -x 23 define HAVE_SYS_TIME_H; fi' sh -c 'if ( test -f $(INCLUDE)/sys/times.h ); then ./echogs -a gconfig_.h -x 23 define HAVE_SYS_TIMES_H; fi' LIB_ONLY=gslib.$(OBJ) gsnogc.$(OBJ) gconfig.$(OBJ) gscdefs.$(OBJ) $(GS): $(ld_tr) echogs $(LIB_ALL) $(DEVS_ALL) $(LIB_ONLY) ./echogs -w ldt.tr -n - $(CCLD) $(LDFLAGS) $(XLIBDIRS) -o $(GS) ./echogs -a ldt.tr -n -s $(LIB_ONLY) -s cat $(ld_tr) >>ldt.tr ./echogs -a ldt.tr -s - $(EXTRALIBS) -lm LD_RUN_PATH=$(XLIBDIR); export LD_RUN_PATH; $(SH)