Short: Ghostscript5.01 030 bin Author: GS(Aladdin)/Amiga(Olaf Barthel/Steffen Opel)/Port(me) Uploader: Type: gfx/show Requires: gs501data.lha This is the Amiga port of Ghostscript5.01. Ghostscript is a Postscript interpreter with support for Level 2 PS and PDF. This release includes most popular printers and fileformats including an updated Amiga display driver. Features: Ghostscript supports three Amiga specific devices (but see below for ILBM): amiga Amiga Workbench window amiga_custom Amiga custom screenmodes amiga_printer Amiga printer.device (amiga_printer seems to have problems, please use one of the internal ones) (redesign done by Steffen Opel The device 'amiga' opens an Intuition window on the Workbench screen to display the image. Its usage should be pretty obvious. The device 'amiga_custom' opens a Customscreen to display the image. This allows any Display Mode available in the screenmode preferences to be used with Ghostscript too. The device 'amiga_printer' is a convenient alternative for the printer devices provided by Ghostscript itself. It facilitates standard Amiga printing via the Workbench printer drivers and respects most settings in the graphics preferences as described in the Workbench documentation. All three devices are supporting -g and -r as described in 'use.txt'. Ghostscript currently has only limited support for IFF ILBM files: amiga_ilbm IFF ILBM file format The device 'amiga_ilbm' works like any other Ghostscript raster file or printer device (i.e. pbm), see 'Choosing the output device' above on how to specify an output file. It supports dithered grayscale only and is not portable to other platforms because it uses iffparse.library. A portable implementation with color support is currently under development. Please be sure to read the Amiga section in Use.txt for details (can be found in the directory 'doc'). This port requires: - An Amiga equipped with an mc68030 (no FPU) CPU or any successor CPU model and Kickstart 2.04 or higher. - Approx. 4.7 MBytes of hard disk space available. - A minimum of 1 MByte of chip memory, depending on what you want to do with the interpreter. Printer output requires at least 2 MBytes of contiguous memory (any memory, not necessarily chip memory). - A bunch of Postscript/Ghostscript fonts. Comments/Suggestions/Bugs to: Please use a Subject field with the name 'GS501' in it. Please direct all mail to me except when you're 100% sure it is a GS problem then you can use the Aladdin email address. Joop van de Wege Getting Ghostscript. Download the data archive, gs501data.lha It contains all needed data in one directory This archive contains the base mc68030 binary which should run on plain A3000, A4000-030, A4000 and any other machine with a mc68030/40/60 installed and enough RAM. On my machine (A3000 + Merlin) it uses 150Kb Chip and 1.5Mb Fast. Expect it to use more if the psfile is big/complex or when displaying PDF files and when using 256color modes for the Workbench. How to use Ghostscript. - Unpack the archive gs501data.lha to a suitable HD with enough room (~3.5M). for example 'Work:'. A directory 'Ghostscript' will be created and all files needed are found within this directory (Work:Ghostscript). - Unpack one of the special binary archives to the same HD and the executable will automatically be placed in the same directory (Work:Ghostscript/gs_000). Further do: - Assign Ghostscript: Work:Ghostscript - path Ghostscript: add (Optionally, rename the binary gs_xxx to 'gs') Now you can call 'gs' from anywhere with or without arguments. If you add the above fragment (Assign ... add) to your s:user-startup then it will available everytime you start your computer - Unpack gs501fonts-std.lha, if you don't have a set of good quality postscript fonts. The advantage of using this archive is that you don't need to mess with the file 'Fontmap'. The fonts will be placed in 'Work:Ghostscript/fonts'. Or if you already have postscript fonts, do the following: - Assign PSFonts: to your postscript font directory (anywhere) - create file PSFonts:FONTMAP with at least the following entries: % fontmap aka Fontmap % ---------------------------------------------------------------- /Times-Roman (ptmr.gsf) ; /Times-Italic (ptmri.gsf) ; /Times-Bold (ptmb.gsf) ; /Times-BoldItalic (ptmbi.gsf) ; It does not matter, which font files are assigned (see below) - entries within the FONTMAP file at PSFonts: must follow the scheme described below: /Fontname (Filename) ; for example /Helvetica (Helvet.pfb) ; which means, the corresponding files must actually exist. But one also my substitute Fonts symbolically by other fonts, like for example: /Helvetica_Bold /Helvetica ; - the variables in ENV: and ENVARC: must look as follows: Variable Content Remark GS_FONTPATH do not set: delete this one!! GS_LIB PSFonts: GS_OPTIONS set it, but keep it empty GS_DEVICE amiga for example (its the default) See the 'Ghostscript/docs/use.txt' directory for more information, like commandline options. Some notes: - Watch out for case sensitivity when using commandline options, -sOutputFile is not equal to -soutputfile !!!!! - Set your stack high enough, 32000 bytes should do it (stack 32000). Some very useful commandlines with comments in (): gs -h (outputs small help on most important arguments, and lists all availble output devices) gs (gs opens window on WB and use its palette, use 256color WB if possible, there is a problem with NewIcons, it looks like all palette entries are reserved by NewIcons so GS will only display in B/W if you use NewIcons) gs -sDEVICE=png16m (uses the built-in PNG support instead of window on WB) gs -sOutputFile=ram:output%02d.png -sDEVICE=png256 (output to files numbered ram:output01.png/ram:output02.png/etc using the PNG format (8bit)) gs -r120 (use 120dpi as resolution instead of built-in 72, uses heaps of memory at high values) Arguments useful for PDF files (and ps documents conforming to DSC ?) gs -dFirstPage=pagenumber (starts on the given page of the document) gs -dLastPage=pagenumber (Stops after the given page of the document) See use.doc/Switches for a complete overview of what is available. (taken from 'new-user.txt') PDF encryption -------------- A user outside the U.S. has created code that allows processing of encrypted PDF files. Unfortunately, current U.S. export control laws don't allow redistribution of this code from a site in the U.S., even though it's freely available to anyone anywhere in the world from its author's site, so you'll have to get this code from: If that doesn't work, try: The patch consists entirely of PostScript code, so it can be added to a running version of Ghostscript -- you don't have to recompile anything. It is a single file that replaces the file in the standard Ghostscript fileset (Ghostscript:data/