lEAGAL... By Mopz - Copyright©1997 NC.Gamez You may feel free to spread this VERY early piece of beta-game out. I am NOT responsable for any damage this game may cause your system (not that it has ever destroyed anything here, but still...). rEQUIRES... This game should work fine on ANY amiga! There was no speed diffe- rence between 020/030, but I'm not sure about 00. You don't need any memory ;) iNFO... When I tested the game YAGG I was impressed, very impressed; I really liked those zooms. Then I read in the manual (I always read the manual AFTER testing a game ;) that it was coded in 60% Blitz Basic. As I happen to be a Blitz-coder, I got pissed off! I don't allow ANYONE to code something better than ME in Blitz! I started BB2, and half an hour later I had this BETA. Written 100% by me in 100% Blitz (No ASM or extra libraries used). OK, I DID use some old 3D-routines that I coded about a year ago, but they only made up 12 lines or so (of 200). gAME... You can't do much, only move a ship around and shoot. It's not a game really, as there is absolutely nothing to do. But it IS nothing but the very first BETA :) Joy - Left/Right : Rotate Left/Right Joy - Fire : Shoot : Exit Left Mousebutton : Zoom in Right Mousebutton : Zoom out The game will also zoom in/out depending on your distance from the arena-centre. oK... Now. This game is WAY faster than YAGG. Don't know'bout that other game... ehm... BratWurst. Is it fast? Anyway! If You want me to continue developing this game, I DEMAND you to send me an e-mail! What would you care to see in the game? - Please tell me! / Mopz of NC.Gamez marjoh@algonet.se Är du en svensk, så kan du alltid ringa min bräda på 0430-70573.