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Follow The Rules

It's really simple. If I tell you to check return values, check sample types when recording, not to trash d2-d7/a2-a6 in hooks, or not to call AHI_ControlAudio() with the AHIC_Play tag from interrupts or hooks, you do as you are told.

The Library Base

The AHIBase structure is private, so are the sub libraries' library base structures. Don't try to be clever.

The Audio Database

The implementation of the database is private, and may change any time. ahi.device provides functions access the information in the database (AHI_NextAudioID(), AHI_GetAudioAttrsA() and AHI_BestAudioIDA()).

User Hooks

All user hooks must follow normal register conventions, which means that d2-d7 and a2-a6 must be preserved. They may be called from an interrupt, but you cannot count on that; it can be your own process or another process. Don't assume the system is in single-thread mode. Never spend much time in a hook, get the work done as quick as possible and then return.

Function Calls From Other Tasks, Interrupts Or User Hooks

The AHIAudioCtrl structure may not be shared with other tasks/threads. The task that called AHI_AllocAudioA() must do all other calls too (except those callable from interrupts).

Only calls specifically said to be callable from interrupts may be called from user hooks or interrupts. Note that AHI_ControlAudioA() has some tags that must not be present when called from an interrupt.


Most audio drivers need multitasking to be turned on to function properly. Don't turn it off while using the device.

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