Network PC

(Access your PC drives from the Amiga)

Price £ 19.95


The new Network PC from Weird Science provides a file system for accessing your PC drives from the Amiga. Our system will provide any WB program with access to any of your PC drives, including CD, Zip, Jazz, fixed hard drives and also networked drives. The PC acts as slave machine and can therefore not access the Amiga, however an Amiga can read and write to the PC drives so it is not necessary to access the Amiga from the PC. You can not only transfer files between the two machines but also load files directly into you Amiga programs from the PC, for instance load images from the PC directly into Personal Paint 7. Use a PC partition, drive or drawer as extra storage space for your Amiga or even install programs to it if you do not have a hard drive on the Amiga. With Windows 95 on the PC all the file names are maintained and the system will just work as a background task. Simple Installation on both machines. The system is WB 2.04+ and Win95 compatible and the PC can perform other tasks simultaneously. Network PC contains all that you need to connect the two machines including full manual.



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Copyright © 1996 Weird Science Ltd.
Last modified: May 01, 1997