Our Internet Web packages

We are happy to be able to offer Web page creation, hosting, and maintenance packages to fit every budget. Our server is connected to the Internet with a T3 (40 Mbps) connection, so connections to your web site are among the fastest in the industry. From the market research we have done, we are confident that you will find our prices and quality unbeatable for the services we perform.

If you are interested in any of our services, please contact us at:

Syzygy Research & Technology Ltd.
B 1204-17a St. NE
Calgary, AB
T2E 4V5

Telephone: (403) 276-1250
email: sales@syz.com

There are no setup fees for any of our Internet packages, though we require a one year contract (GST is applicable on all fees). Please see our Frequently Asked Questions list at the end of this document, or contact us for more information.

Basic Internet presence - $5/month

Community promotion - $8.50/month

Customized Web pages - $30/month

Extended Services

Extended services may be applied to any of the above packages.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What about virtual domains?
Virtual domains provide a method for a potential customer to find your site more easily. Our standard Web pages give you a URL (Internet address) of the form:


A virtual domain would give you a URL similar to:


which is obviously much easier for a potential client to remember. Unfortunately, this convenience doesn't come cheap. A virtual domain may be added to any of our Internet packages for an additional $40/month. Please note that a separate Internic registration fee may also apply.

Can I modify my Web pages myself?
If you do not have a virtual domain, we are unfortunately unable to provide access to allow you to modify the contents of your Web pages yourself. All of our packages provide for a number of free modifications which we will make on your behalf. Any additional changes will be billed at a rate of $50 per hour.

On the other hand, if you have a virtual domain, you will be able to make modifications to your Web documents yourself, provided that you have FTP access from a local Internet provider. Of course, we will still perform the free modifications on your behalf even if you wish to make some of the minor changes yourself.

Can I include links from my Web pages to other Internet documents?
Absolutely. All you have to do is provide us with the URL of the additional documents that you would like to have a link to, and where in your documents you would like to place the link. You can include any number of links in your Web pages as you wish, provided that the maximum size restrictions for your particular Web package are not exceeded.

Do I get an email account with my Web package?
If you have a virtual domain, you will also receive an email account. Unfortunately, we are not currently able to give email accounts to those without virtual domains.

Do you have a modem pool I can connect to get Internet access?
We are able to keep our Web page prices so low by keeping our costs of equipment overhead low. At this time, we are not equipped with the hundreds of modems and phone lines necessary to allow individuals to connect to the Internet. Our business is primarily that of an Internet information provider - we make information available on the Internet, but do not provide access for individuals to explore the Internet. If you do not already have an Internet account, we will be happy to refer you to a number of local companies who offer excellent service in this regard.

How can I pay for an Internet web package?
We are able to accept payment by Visa, Mastercard, money order, or cheque drawn in Canadian, US, or UK funds. Please make cheques payable to "Syzygy Research & Technology Ltd." If you are not paying in Canadian funds, please contact us for the current exchange rate.

Canadian residents must add 7% GST.

If you have any further questions about our Web packages, please contact us at sales@syz.com or by phone at (403) 276-1250.