Distribution, Copyright & Disclaimer


F1GP-RES is freeware. The Typesetter may be freely copied and distributed
as long as you keep the archive in tact, nor alter any part of its


This program and the accompanying documentation are copyright 1996 by
Edo Nijmeijer. You may not copy, alter, use or abuse any of the
previously mentioned parts in any way other then can be abstracted from this

Parts of the interface and some of the characters were taken from the
original F1GP game by Microprose, and the copyright remains with them,
of course.


I cannot be and don't want to be held responsible for any of the physical or
psychological damage that you could inflict on your appliances, yourself or
others by using F1GP-RES. You use this software at your own risk and
expenses. It was adequately tested and found to be safe, but
according to Murphy's Law....

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