E.M. Computergraphic Examples

Backgrounds Unlimited

The Backgrounds Unlimited CD-ROM for users of Scala on the Amiga

"Scala and Backgrounds Unlimited make a perfect couple"
"Yet again, EMC have come up with a winner!"
"Every single file on Backgrounds Unlimited has been painstakingly created by hand"

Rated 94%, Amiga Shopper, issue 70 page 30.

Following on from our highly regarded and "multi-award" winning EMC Phase4 - Desktop Video Dreams CD-ROM, we are pleased to bring you our "Backgrounds Unlimited" CD-ROM containing well over 500 additional 256 color backgrounds.

Although "Backgrounds Unlimited" is designed for use with Scala(TM) Multimedia on AGA (1200/4000) Amigas, the backgrounds will prove equally useful for any users who own Amigas equipped with a graphics cards.

"Backgrounds Unlimited" comes complete with full thumbnail index preview screens and like the backgrounds on our Phase 4 CD-ROM, we have provided each of the 500+ backgrounds in the following formats...

"Backgrounds Unlimited" is supplied on CD-ROM gold disc and is ONLY available from E.M.Computergraphic.

More! To download the comprehensive EMC CD Amigaguide file (18k) Click here!

Scala & the symbol are registered trademarks of Scala, Inc.

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