Window class
Title The title for the window.

Windows may be edited from the main window list, but they may also be imbedded directly in a tree of objects. In that case, a button appears, and pushing this button opens the window with the given contents. Typically, however, you want to define windows in the main list, and use a PopWin object to open them.

Pubscreen The name of a public screen on which the window should appear. If blank, the default public screen is used. If the FrontScreen option below is selected, this attribute is ignored.
Size and position for the opened window. These can be changed when the window is closed, depending on the Remember setting.

If these parameters specify a position out of the screen bounds, the window bounds will be constrained to the screen boundries.

Popkey If set to a valid Commodities hotkey specification, this key will open the window if it is closed.

Variables can be used in the hotkey specification, but variable errors are ignored silently. This is to allow templates to reference hotkey variables without errors if the indicated variable does not exist.

Borderless If set, the window will not have a title bar or system gadgets. It will still have a thin border that can be used to access the window menu.
Dynamic If set, any object under the mouse which has its Cyclechain attribute set will be highlighted in a manner determined by your MUI preferences. Note that this works better on a fast system for complex windows.
Auto Open If set, and if the window is saved in the open state, then when the project containing the window is next loaded, the window will open automatically if its named public screen is open. Also, if the public screen opens at a later time, the window will open a few moments later.
Auto Close If set, when a button in the window with its CycleChain attribute set is pressed, the window will close. Useful to make popup windows that go away automatically when a selection is made.
Remember If set, the window size and position is updated when the window is closed.
FrontScreen If set, the window will pop to the frontmost screen if that screen is a public screen. This can be used instead of having a copy of the window for several screens. Note that if this option is selected, the PubScreen attribute is ignored.
Pop Front
Pop Back
If set, the window will pop to the front (back) of any other windows that overlap it on the screen.
No Edge If set along with the Borderless flag, the thin window border usually displayed on Borderless windows will not be present. Note that the window menus will no longer be available in this case!
Contents The window contents; i.e, objects displayed in the window when it is opened.
Layout Children of the window object appear in the button that opens the window. But better to use a PopWin object.