Boolean Output Search Class
Command The specified command is executed, and its standard output is searched for a given pattern. If the pattern is found in the command's output, the True Object is displayed. If the pattern is not found, the False Object is displayed. The command is run asynchronously.


  • The standard output of the command is limited to line lengths of 512 bytes maximum.

  • The PIPE: device is used to read the command output and must be available.

  • The command should run quickly. UI updates will not happen until the command terminates.

Input File A file to use as standard input to the command. Defaults to NIL:.
Stack Size The stack size the command is run with.
Task Pri The task priority for the command.
Search Pattern A pattern to search for in the command output. Matching is case sensitive.
True Object The object to display if the process exists.
False Object The object to display if the process does not exist.
Update Interval The interval between checks.