Boolean Serial Device Monitor Class
The name of the serial device and the unit number to monitor. This might be serial.device, unit 0 for the Amiga's built in serial port. For multi-serial port cards, consult the documentation that came with your card for the device & unit.

Note that any other program you use must open the serial device in Shared mode! This is the only way two programs can share the serial device, which is necessary for this class to operate correctly.

True Object The object to display if the serial device is online.
False Object The object to display if the serial device is offline.
Update Interval The interval between checks.
Variables The following variables are exported by objects of this class. Variable names are case sensitive.

Variable Description
BSDevice The device name.
BSOnlineTime The online time, in hh:mm:ss format, useful in e.g. Updatetext class. Note that this only starts when the Boolser object first exists, so if the window containing the Boolser object is closed and re-opened, the time will reset. This variable is only valid when the device is online.
BSBaud The baud rate of the indicated device. This variable is only valid when the device is online.