-- Command: list ID/K, COMMAND/K, PORT/K, HELP/K, NODE/K, TITLE/K, POS/K, INSERT/S, REMOVE/S, NODUP/S, TOGGLE/S, ATTRS/K/M, STRING=STRINGS/K/F List objects are created with this command. * ID [I..] - an id can be assigned to a list for later reference. The id can be any combination of up to 5 characters. If the id is given without any other arguments, and the list object has been previously created, then the currently selected line will be returned in RESULT (if OPTIONS RESULTS is specified in the script). If multiple lines are selected then each line will be returned with each list command. The line entry in the list will be deselected. A null string ("") will be returned if no lines are selected (or the last selected line has been reached). * COMMAND [I..] - if given, the command will be executed whenever a line in the list is double clicked. For a complete description of this option see Command-Port Options. Note that the selected line will be used to replace a `%s' contained in the command string. * PORT [I..] - a specific host port may be specified by this argument. For a complete description of this option see Command-Port Options. * HELP [I..] - with this argument help text may be defined which will be displayed as balloon help whenever the pointer is over the associated list. Of course, this is dependant on whether the user set up balloon help in the MUI preference settings. * NODE [I..] - this argument is used to specify a node in the guide file given in the command line argument HELP for `MUIRexx'. If the user positions the mouse pointer over the list and presses the help button on the keyboard then the guide file will be displayed at the node location. * TITLE [IS.] - this argument is used to specify a title for the list. A title will be shown at the top of the list and will remain even if the list scrolled. Note that the format of the title will be the same as for the string entries (see the STRING option description below). * POS [.SG] - if this argument is given and a string is specified (with the STRING argument) then the string will be inserted at this position. Special values (see List.mui Autodoc entry for MUIA_List_Insert) may be used. If no string is given then the string located at the given position will be returned in the `ARexx' variable RESULT. If a null string is given (by specifying the STRING option with no string or "") then the string at this position will be removed. * INSERT [.S.] - if this switch is given then any string supplied by the STRING argument will be inserted into the current list. If no position is specified (with the POS argument) then the string will be inserted at the current DropMark (see List.mui Autodoc entry for MUIA_List_DropMark). * REMOVE [.S.] - if this switch is given then an entry will be removed from the list. If no position or label is specified (with the POS argument) then the currently selected entry will be removed. If a label is given (using the LABEL option) then the entry matching that label will be removed. * NODUP [IS.] - if this switch is given then no duplicate strings will be displayed. * TOGGLE [.S.] - if this switch is given then the select state of each displayed string will be toggled. * STRING [ISG] - a string to be entered into the list may be specified by this argument. Note that the string may contain any of the special formatting sequences (see MUI Format Sequences). Additionally, multicolumn lists may be created. A string may, in fact, consist of several strings separated with commas. If the list is given a format (with the LIST_FORMAT attribute TAG) then these strings will be displayed in the appropriate column (as defined by the format, see MUI List Format). Prepending any substring with an equals symbol (=) will force the rest of the string to be interpreted literally thereby allowing commas within a string. Note that the equals symbol will be removed from any retreived literal string. * ATTRS [ISG] - with this option any MUIA attribute TAGs may be set or retrieved (see Attribute TAGs). Some useful TAGs for use with this command are: TAG_Name = TAG_id Flags Type List_Active = 0x8042391c /* V4 isg LONG */ List_AdjustHeight = 0x8042850d /* V4 i.. BOOL */ List_AdjustWidth = 0x8042354a /* V4 i.. BOOL */ List_AutoVisible = 0x8042a445 /* V11 isg BOOL */ List_DragSortable = 0x80426099 /* V11 isg BOOL */ List_DropMark = 0x8042aba6 /* V11 ..g LONG */ List_Entries = 0x80421654 /* V4 ..g LONG */ List_First = 0x804238d4 /* V4 ..g LONG */ List_Format = 0x80423c0a /* V4 isg STRPTR */ List_InsertPosition = 0x8042d0cd /* V9 ..g LONG */ List_MinLineHeight = 0x8042d1c3 /* V4 i.. LONG */ List_Quiet = 0x8042d8c7 /* V4 .s. BOOL */ List_ShowDropMarks = 0x8042c6f3 /* V11 isg BOOL */ List_Title = 0x80423e66 /* V6 isg char * */ List_Visible = 0x8042191f /* V4 ..g LONG */ Listview_ClickColumn = 0x8042d1b3 /* V7 ..g LONG */ Listview_DefClickColumn = 0x8042b296 /* V7 isg LONG */ Listview_DoubleClick = 0x80424635 /* V4 i.g BOOL */ Listview_DragType = 0x80425cd3 /* V11 isg LONG */ Listview_Input = 0x8042682d /* V4 i.. BOOL */ Listview_MultiSelect = 0x80427e08 /* V7 i.. LONG */ Listview_ScrollerPos = 0x8042b1b4 /* V10 i.. BOOL */ Listview_SelectChange = 0x8042178f /* V4 ..g BOOL */ CycleChain = 0x80421ce7 /* V11 isg LONG */ Disabled = 0x80423661 /* V4 isg BOOL */ HorizDisappear = 0x80429615 /* V11 isg LONG */ HorizWeight = 0x80426db9 /* V4 isg WORD */ ShowMe = 0x80429ba8 /* V4 isg BOOL */ VertDisappear = 0x8042d12f /* V11 isg LONG */ VertWeight = 0x804298d0 /* V4 isg WORD */ Weight = 0x80421d1f /* V4 i.. WORD */ Note: Consult MUI:Developer/Autodocs/MUI_List.doc, MUI_Listview.doc, MUI_Area.doc and MUI:Developer/C/Include/libraries/mui.h Example use of this command: window ID DEMO list ID ALST ATTRS List_Format "MIW=25 BAR,MIW=25 BAR,MIW=25"' list ID BLST . . . endwindow list ID ALST INSERT POS 0 STRING '"column 1,column 2,column 3"' list ID BLST INSERT POS 0 STRING '"=this one, that one"'