Programm history
12 - Programm history

N.B.:   * means bug fixed
        - means minor update
        + means major update

* Demo version:

   Same as registered version but:

   - usage of PSCalc is limited to 15 minutes,
   - the About window pop up during 10 seconds at startup and when quitting,
   - each minute, the About window pop up and PSCalc stops during 10 seconds.

   To avoid these limitations, you can register yourself.

* Version 1.45 (02.5.1997) :

   * The two previouses versions have a big problem in error handling due to an
   awfull mistake... It has been corrected and improved.

   - A symbol description has been added in all the symbols lists
   of the main window menu.

* Version 1.44 (17.4.1997) :

   - The documentation is now available in html format with use of guide2html
   from Christian Scholtz.

   - A new window Values has been added in the viewer menu.

* Version 1.43.1 R3(10.4.1997) :

   - It's exactly the same as the 1.43.1 except that the cd and ct files have been included to the
   distribution. It allow you to transalte and/or personalize the catalog file.

   P.S.: if you've made a good english, german, ... catalog, please, send it to me, I'll put it
   in next distributions.

* Version 1.43.1 R2(10.4.1997) :

   - A slider has been added in the Enter window to set plot precision.

   * One can now move or resize viewer window without the anoying opening of the zoom window.

   * A bug has been fixed in the Enter window.

   - PSCalc first look for the keyfile in KEYFILES: drawer, if it doesn't succeed, it then
   look in S: drawer and if it doesn't succeed it'll in demo version.

* Version 1.43 R1(27.3.1997) :

   + All source code was rewritten to easyly maintain future versions and to
   make PSCalc more stable.

   - A double-clic in a list (screens, history, variables, constants, functions)
   allow you now to select and validate your choice.

   - The file t:utilisateur is no more created when decrypting the key file.

   - The '_' symbol is now authorized in variables and functions names.

   * The Enforcer HIT has been removed from the demo version.

   - There is no distinction between uppercase and lower case symbols names now.

   - All environment variables defined in a shell, are now immediately available
   in PSCalc without the need of accessing the Variables menu item.

   - If a variable is explicitely set to zero, it will be saved with this value.

   - Better error hanling when resolving, integrating and derivating a function.

* Version 1.42 (5.11.1996) :

   + For the registered version, a key-file named 's:PSCalc.key_file' is needed.
   For each new registered user, this file must be sent by QUARTZ Informatique.
   Without this file, PSCalc will run in demo version.

* Version 1.41 (11.9.1996) :

   * Some minor bugs have been fixed.

   - Errors messages have been added for invalid inputs.

   + By default, PSCalc is now in english, but the french catalog
   is available. It should goes to 'LOCALE:catalogs/français'.

* Version 1.40 (6.9.1996) :

   - You can now use up and down arrow keys to move in the listviews.

   + It's now possible to plot functions. For this reason, a new menu option
   Viewer has been added to the Windows menu.

   - It's now possible to create several variables at one time, by separating them
   with coma ';'.

* Version 1.31 (27.8.1996) :
comment Passage en mode partagé grace aux conseils de B. FROMENTIN...

   - A new Help menu item has been added. It allow you to
   open the file (HELP).

   - Two new Tooltypes have been added : DOCVIEWER and HELPFILE.

   - The Main window's menu is now available
   from all other windows. (Thanx to Brice FROMENTIN!).

   - Bevelboxes and buttons size have been uniformized
   in all windows.

   - The Quit button of the Preferences window became a
   Cancel button to respect the Commodore style guide.

   * Several clics on the Calc mode button caused a bug.

   * Several clics on the buttons of the Main window
   sometimes caused a bug in the input zone.

   * Sometimes was an awfull bug when emptying the history.

* Version 1.30 (2.7.1996) :

   - Calculus are now in double-precision with use of IEEE library.

   - Functions syntax has changed. Parenthesis are now always needed
   arround functions parameters.

   - Variables names are not more limited to one character.

   + It's now possible to define and to save variables and user functions.

   - More optimised listviews.

   - A new Windows menu has been added. It allows you to
   see several lists, like variables, constants,
   scientifics functions. You can select a line in the list
   with mouse or up/down keys, and paste it with OK or RETURN into the input zone.

   * Sometimes, strange characters appeared in the screen title bar...

* Version 1.24 (10.6.1996) :

   + You can now choose PSCalc's screen with the Screen menu item
   of the Project menu.
   This item opens the Choose screen window and allow
   you to choose an available public screen.

   - An overflow test had been added for bits rotations functions.

* Version 1.23 (13.5.1996) :

   - When PSCalc is ran more than one time, a requester asks if you want to quit.

   - The Hyperbolic button keeps now it's old state when changing Calc mode.

   - Inserting text with mouse in the input zone takes care
   of the cursor position.

   * It was an an Enforcer HIT when launching PSCalc a 2th time.

   * A default mode had been added for cliks in the history.
   To change this default mode, see tooltypes or the new
   button in Prefs window.

* Version 1.22 (15.2.1996) :

   - Bit rotation functions have been added ( << and >> ).

   - A Zoom gadget has been added in all windows.

   - The PSCalc's icon position is now relative to the Workbench font.

   - A test is done at startup to verify the Kickstart version.

* Version 1.21 (15.1.1996) :

   - The three grayed buttons of the Main window are now available:

   LSTC   same as History->Remove (clear all the results listview).
   EXPR   same as History->Expression (copy the latest expression entered in the input zone).
   VAL    same as History->Value (copy the latest result in the input zone).

   In addition, the grammar now recognise words Expr, expr, Val, and val
   that have same effects than the two latest buttons under.

   - Doesn't save variables equal to 0.

   * The MEMC button reseted only the following variables: a, b, c and d.
   Now, all variables are reseted to zero.

   * Sometimes, after use of PSCalc, the Amiga was bloked due to a forgotten test.

* Version 1.2 (15.12.1995) :

   + The Calc mode button is now available. Programmer's functions
   are available too with these new buttons.

   - Several Tooltypes name have been modified:

   TOP        become WINTOP.
   LEFT       become WINLEFT.
   MODEANGLE  become ANGLE and can be set to RAD or DEG (in replacement of RADIANS and DEGRES).
   NBLIGNES   become LINES.
   CALCBASE   become BASE.
   CALCMODE   become MODE.
   PRECISION  doesn't change but can be set to 8, 16 or 32 (in replacement of 8 BITS, 16 BITS and 32 BITS.

   - A new Tooltype have been added : USEENV.

   - A bevelboxe has been added around default buttons.
   In Prefs window the default action is now USE.

   - Menus states at startup are now sets by tooltypes.

   - In scientifics functions mode, the Base and Precision menus are now grayed.

   - When modifyong Prefs and when click on USE or
   SAVE without validate inputs zones, new values are now validated.

   - You can now choose an icon without indicates a directory if it's the current one.

   - An 'icon' button has been added in Prefs window.
   It allows you to enable/disable PSCalc's icon on the Workbench (same effect
   as tooltype APPICON).

   - Several hotkeys of the Prefs window have been modified.

   - PSCalc's icon is now in the About window.
   N.B.: I think this icon is from Martin Huttenloher.

* Version 1.1 (26.11.1995) :

   The Calcmode button is grayed, but programmers functions
   are available with entering them with keyboard.

   * Memory is now better cleared when exiting PSCalc.

   * When history was empty, if you asked for an expression or a value,
   a GURU appeared sometimes.

   * There was calc errors when entering an expression with 'e'.

   * Calculus in a non decimal base was incorrects.

   + Bases conversions are now possible. Result can be exprimed
   in one of the four available bases.

   + Each time a variable is defined (or modified), it's
   inserted or modified too in the environnment variables list.
   Of course, when launching PSCalc, variables are initialized
   with environment ones.
   N.B.: When quitting PSCalc, variables are saved in 'ENVARC:PSCalc/variables'.
   Otherwise, they are saved in 'ENV:PSCalc/variables'.
   Same for users functions.

* Version 1.0 (11.9.1995) :

   First realised version.

Converted with gtoh, © 24.06.1997 N. DARNIS