Plotter's menu

Plotter's menu

1 - Function

   1.1 Enter...

   This option open the Enter window.
   See Plotter section for more informations.

   1.2 (Re)Trace

   This option plots an already entered function.

   1.3 Close

   This option close all plotter related windows.

2 - Parameters

   2.1 Scale...

   This option open the Scale window to
   modify the range to trace.

   2.2 Scale x 2

   This option multiply range by 2 (Zoom Out).

   2.3 Scale / 2

   This option divide range by 2 (Zoom In).

   2.4 Legend

   This option enable/disable legend.

   2.5 Grid

   This option enable/disable the grid.

3 - Calculus

   3.1 Solve

   This option open the Solve window.
   You must indicate an interval inbetween which the function have a root
   and inbetween the function is continue.
   More the precision is low, more the result is precise.

   3.2 Derivate

   This option open the Derivate window.
   You must enter the derivative order. More the precision is big, more
   the result is precise. The derivative is not stored, so it's normal
   if it'll not be retraced after changing scale for example.

   3.3 Integrate

   This option open the Integrate window.
   You must indicate the interval you want integrate. More the interval
   number is big, more the result is precise. The function must be continue
   on the interval.

   3.4 Value table

   This option opens the Value window.
   You must indicate the interval of the calculus. By default, the interval
   and the step are the same as the ones that are in use in the viwer window.
   You can choose another output file than the one specified by default.

Converted with gtoh, © 24.06.1997 N. DARNIS