Channel MODE
/MODE allows both users and channels to have their modes changed. Usage: /MODE <channel> {[+|-]|o|p|s|i|t|n|b|v} [<limit>] [<user>] [<ban mask>] Used by Channel Operators to change the modes of 'their' channel. the modes available are: o - give/take channel operator privileges; p - private channel flag; s - secret channel flag; i - invite-only channel flag; t - topic settable by channel operator only flag; n - no messages to channel from clients on the outside; m - moderated channel; l - set the user limit to channel; b - set a ban mask to keep users out; v - give/take the ability to speak on a moderated channel; k - set a channel key (password). EXAMPLES: /MODE #amiga +tm Sets topic protection and makes channel moderated for #amiga. /MODE #amiga -o Sarek Removes channel operator status from user 'Sarek' on channel #amiga. /MODE #amiga +l 50 Sets limit of 50 users on #amiga. /MODE #amiga -l Removes the limit form #amiga User MODE --------- Usage: <nickname> {[+|-]|i|w|s|o} These affect how a client is seen by others or what extra messages a client will receive. User Modes will only take effect if the Nick of the client sending the command, and the nick of the <nickname> argument are the same. Available User Modes: i - marks a users as invisible; s - marks a user for receipt of server notices; w - user receives wallops; o - operator flag. Note that the +o user mode will not work, however, -o will. EXAMPLES: /MODE freddie +i makes user 'freddie' invisible in the global user list. /MODE freddie -o User 'freddie' removes channel operator status from himself.