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10.1 What is IRC, by the Way?

IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat, written by Jarkko Oikarinen (jto@tolsun.oulu.fi). In a nutshell, IRC consists of a network of computers (servers) that are connected to each other via the internet or a LAN, and allow users with proper client software to connect and chat with each other. Within this network, virtual space is divided up into channels, usually with a topic of conversation, where users can talk in groups.


If you are reading this, you are most likely using one of the Amiga family of computers (if you are not, BUY ONE! :), and will likely want to check out #amiga on IRC. #amiga is one of the most populated channels of IRC, with an average of 30 to 60 users on at any given time. #amiga is often visited by amiga hardware and software developers, and is sometimes a forum for formal discussions held by dignitaries from software/hardware development companies.

#amiga Etiquette

There is a sort of an unwritten code of conduct for IRC, and especially #amiga. This section is included so that you dont find yourself /kicked or /banned and dont understand why.


     Enjoy your visit to #amiga
     Offer to help someone IF you know what your talking about.
     Be polite to other users.


     Ask questions about software/hardware problems without reading the
     manual first (RTFM!).
     Ask a question more than once. If someone can help you, they will.
     Ask for latest amiga news or info on new software, see newsgroup
     comp.sys.amiga.announce for this.
     Ask for OPs.  You won't get it.
     Pound or slam Amigas.  If you don't like them, don't /join #amiga.
     Pound or slam Amiga Software (the coders might be there :)
     Offer to help a user with a problem if you don't understand it
     Offer or ask for commercial software or the keys to activate
     Plug developers who appear from time to time with questions and bug
     reports, use the proper channels for this (i/e, the developer's support
     address).  Note that you might ask first if they are willing to discuss
     problems/bugs with their product.

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