###################################### # # Picture Frame 1.0 README FILE # Written for the Web Page for Brian Wilson # by Mike Wheeler # mwheeler@gladstone.uoregon.edu # # Copyright 1996, Mike Wheeler, All Rights Reserved # ###################################### Picture Frame is a script for displaying a series of thumbnail images in tables and then linking those images to full size versions of the images. It can display captions associated with the thumbnail images to clarify what the image is or the size of the larger image. The larger images will be displayed on an html page made by the script that has a standard header and footer for every image, so it appears as if each image has it's own html page when in reality it's all contained within the script. This script is provided free of charge, though I will accept anything you care to offer for it. My address is: Mike Wheeler 844 Mill St. Apt L Springfield, OR 97477 USA This script consists of two files: picture_frame.pl : the actual script. README : this file which helps you set things up. Let's get down to business: First of all you must put the script in your cgi-bin directory or if your server allows it anywhere else in your area (if you place it elsewhere you will likely need to call it "picture_frame.cgi"). Then you need to set the permissions for the script: chmod 755 picture_frame.pl or chmod 755 picture_frame.cgi depending on the name. Setting the variables: #!/usr/local/bin/perl This is on the very first line of the script and must point to where Perl is on your server. Another common place for it is #!/usr/bin/perl If you don't know where Perl is on your server type "whereis perl" at a UNIX prompt. $title = "Brian Wilson Photo Gallery"; This is the title of your images page. It will be within the tags of the pages made by this script and nowhere else. $bgcolor = "ffffff"; This is the background color for the pages this script creates. These should follow hex numbers for colors. ffffff is white. With some browsers you can giver literal color names like white but not all browsers will understand this. $border = "6"; This is the size of the border you want around the large images. Set it to 0 if you don't want any border. $dir_url = "http://gladstone.uoregon.edu/~mwheeler/bb_pics"; This is the url to the directory where the full size images are. If this is set incorrectly the large images will not be displayed. $tn_dir_url = "http://gladstone.uoregon.edu/~mwheeler/bb_pics/tn"; This is the url to the directory where the thumbnail images are. The thumbnail images MUST have the same name as the full size images or else none of the links will work. $tn_dir = "/ccserver/home23/mwheeler/public_html/bb_pics/tn"; This is the full path to the directory where the thumbnail images are. $caption_file = "/ccserver/home23/mwheeler/public_html/cgi/picture_frame/captions"; This is the full path (including the file name to the captions file) of the caption file if you choose to use one. Only images in the caption file will be displayed. If you don't want captions leave this blank, and the script will display every image in the $tn_dir and none will have captions. The caption file must follow this format: image_1.gif:This is a picture of my friend Joe photo.jpg:This is me when I went to Hawaii In other words, the file name, a colon ":" and then the caption. You may want to include the size of the full image in k in the caption. $script_name = "picture_frame.cgi"; This is the script name, as you have it on your server. It might be picture_frame.pl or picture_frame.cgi or whatever else you named the script. $header = <<EOM; <!-- begin header --> <center><h1>Web Page for Brian Wilson</h1> <h2>Photo Gallery</h2> You can put whatever you want here, graphics, links, text, anything! </center> <!-- end header --> EOM 1; This is where you put the html that goes in the header. Everything MUST be after <!-- begin header --> and before <!-- end header --> You DO NOT need to put a backslash (\) before quotation marks or @ symbols as you usually do in Perl (though things will work fine if you do put a backslash in). $footer = <<EOM; <!-- begin footer --> You can put whatever you want here, graphics, links, text, anything!<p> Return to Brian Wilson <a href="$script_name"> Photo Gallery</a><p> Return to the <a href="http://gladstone.uoregon.edu/~mwheeler/beach_boys2.html">Web Page for Brian Wilson</a><p> <!-- end footer --> EOM 1; This is where you put the html that goes in the footer. Everything MUST be after <!-- begin footer --> and before <!-- end footer --> You DO NOT need to put a backslash (\) before quotation marks or @ symbols as you usually do in Perl (though things will work fine if you do put a backslash in). That's all you need to do, now just add a link to this script from wherever you want and it should do its thing.