Amiga Users of Calgary (AMUC)

The Amiga Users of Calgary (AMUC) operate a BBS in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. They have designated a section of their BBS to mirror the information available in these Web pages, and provide a forum to share information, animations, etc. about The Digital Universe. Information about the BBS is as follows:
   AMUC Express BBS - 24 hours/day, 7 days/week

   (403) 282-5238    Supra 28.8 v.34
   (403) 282-5137    Supra 14.4 v.32
   (403) 282-5171    Supra 14.4 v.32
   (403) 289-1882    Supra 14.4 v.32
   (403) 282-5224    Supra 2400
   (403) 289-1794    Supra 2400
   (403) 284-5624    Courier HST

   Running IceBBS software.
More of the phone lines are to be updated to 28.8 before year-end. Note that you must be a member of AMUC to access The Digital Universe section of the BBS.
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