Painting Features
- Real-time painting tools that emulate traditional media such as Airbrushes, Charcoals, Chalk, Oil and Fingerpaints, Felt Tip Markers, Watercolors and Crayons.
- Real-time airbrush with adjustable size and dispersal pattern.
- Many drawing modes such as Darken, Lighten, Blur, Colorize, Smudge, Roughen, Disperse, Sharpen, and others.
- Drawing styles to allow rub through to other images or alpha channels, create mandalas, realistic brush stroke fading, and more.
- Friskets, masks, and textures using regions and the alpha channel.
- Soft edge modes and anti-aliasing.
- Many gradient fill patterns.
- Eight customizable color palettes to choose from.
- Supports pressure-sensitive tablets such as the Wacom and CalComp.
- Image Processing/Special Effects
- RGB, HSV, CMY color balancing
- Composites and mattes
- 2D image rotation
- 3D perspective rotation
- Image scaling and cropping
- Custom color transforms
- Halftoning effects
- Custom convolution matrix
- Sharpen, Blur, Unsharp Mask
- Motion blur
- Three edge detection algorithms
- Dynamic range and histogram equalization
- Anti-aliasing
- Median, minimum and maximum filters
- NTSC and PAL video filters
- Realistic lightning bolt generator
- Map images onto spheres
- Pond ripples and waves
- Swirl images, even into other images
- Advanced lens flare generator
- Apply paper or canvas textures
- Water and glass distortion
- Image warps and lens effects
- PaintFXTM automatic painting generator
- Star and supernova generator
- Crystallization effects
- Circular blurring effects
- Standard or circular mosaic effects
- Straw-like distortions
- Random tiling effects
- RGB, CMY, CMYK color separation


Lens Flare

Liquid Effect

Oil Paint

File Formats Supported
- Amiga - ILBM, ANIM, ANIM7, DataTypes, DCTV, AXX, ToasterFrameStore, HAM-E, IMG8, Impulse, Workbench Icon, DPS PAR, Rendition, Sculpt, YUVN
- Macintosh - PICT (including vector and JPEG variations), TIFF, Targa, MacPaint
- MS-DOS - BMP, DPIIE, FLI animation, PIC, GRASP/GL animation, DLanimation, Windows Icons, PCX
- Silicon Graphics - Alias, SGI RGB, Wavefront, Softimage
- Micellaneous - Abekas A60, FITS, PDS/Vicar, JPEG, C64 Koala, PBM,QRT, X-Windows, MPEG
System Requirements
Any model Amiga with at least 2MB of memory, a hard drive, and Workbench 2.04 or later. For best results, an accelerator, 8MB of memory, and a large hard drive are recommended.
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