Amiga Flame - News - A New Year Message

(*)A New Year Message(*)

I would like firstly to wish everyone a happy new year.

I hope that everyone has enjoyed reading Amiga Flame and I hope that I have proven to you that their is plenty of Amiga games coming.

In the new year I hope to continue on bringing you the latest games news from around the world. I am now trying my best to get even more games news by contacting games companies through the post. Hopefully this will lead to more news articles and convince you more than ever that games are coming for the Amiga.

This year has seen so many new games developers and publishers trying their best to bring us top quality games. I have just reviewed Capital Punishment developed by ClickBOOM who will be bringing us more games in the new year. This is just one games company of many who are trying their best to bring us top quality games. We have seen companies fight over each other to get the rights to the Amiga this shows that many companies believe in the Amiga.

I believe firmly that next year 1997 will bring us many more games than this year has brought.

I also wish to thank all my contacts, developers, and publishers who have helped Amiga Flame to bring positive games news to the Amiga. Amiga Flame would never be here without their help and co-operation.

Lets make this year the best for the Amiga.


E-mail - philip (@)

Please note the contents of all news articles are Copyrighted