Amiga Flame - News - Vulcan Software Push The Games Market Forward

(*)Vulcan Software Push The Games Market Forward(*)

Vulcan Software are going to push the Games Market forward with them now going CD-Rom only.

Vulcan Software gave this comment about there new move into the CD-Rom market.

We are doing this for 2 reasons.

The first is to improve the Amiga games commercial market around the world and also push forward the standards of Amiga software in line with other commercial platforms. Amiga users will now have a reason to upgrade their machines and existing CD owners will be able to enjoy a flux of high quality, excellent CD titles that they have only dreamed about.

The second reason is too encourage future Amiga developers to push the limits and create CD titles that can easily compete with other commercial formats, this know becomes enticing when they know the biggest Amiga Publisher is 100% behind them and is constantly ploughing a world-wide distribution path for the end result.

Other good news is that Vulcan's games will now support eight languages so even more games users will be able to play them in their own language.


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