Amiga Flame - News - UPDATE: Foundation - An Amazing Strategy Game

(*)UPDATE: Foundation - An Amazing Strategy Game(*)

(Latest_Buildings)The latest screenshots of Foundation have appeared and they are the best yet. Has you can see the game has gone through many changes and looks even more detailed.

If you don't already know about Foundation will listen up. Foundation is a real-time strategy war game. It is a type of Settlers/ Civilisation for the Amiga.

You will require AGA with 4MB of Fast Ram. There is a good possibly that there will be also a CD-Rom version.

(Two_Player_Mode)The game will have a two player option or you could go up against computer bad guys.

The game will have sampled speech and sound effects that will add to the realism of the game. For more info and screenshots check out the Foundation web site at:-

The option for using a larger screenmode looks great


E-mail - philip (@)

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