Amiga Flame - Game Developers - Staff Wanted

(*)Staff Wanted(*)

If you require a new member to your team, e-mail the details
to Amiga Flame at:- philip (@)

Type of Job Description Developer Contact E-mail address
C Programmer Various, Including an isometric game and a C+C-like war game Flame Software Lewis Jackson
Gfx Artist Digital Reality SoftworX are still looking for skilled and motivated gfx-artists to help them on what could be one of the best games this year, Fortress of Fear. This way they hope to speed up development. Unfortunately you won't get paid but to have it on your CV would certainly help for future reference in any computer company. Digital Reality SoftworX Joerg Dahmen, Project Manager
Gfx Artist Fighters and backgrounds for a Freeware beat'em up. James Carroll
SoundFX editor/creator Need someone to help with organizing, sampling, creating, modifying soundfx for game titles starting with Zone 99 Aurora Works ceraldi(@)