Amiga Flame - News - UPDATE: Software Petition

(*)UPDATE: Software Petition(*)

The Software Petition has now been sent out to various pc Companies to view some of their replies go the web address at the bottom of this News article. Also I have discovered that people using Netscape are having problems filling in the Petition so now a text file has been created to resolve this problem. You can save the text file, then copy its contents into your e-mail program, fill it in and send it off, its that easy.

I have to say that I am still disappointed with only about 15% of the readership filling in this form but hopefully this will improve with Netscape users now able to fill in the form. After all the Games News I have brought you over the months I have never asked for anything in return. All I ask you now is to fill in this Software Petition.

Don't say to yourself that I'll let everyone else do it and go on to read the rest of the News articles. If I thought like that, this web site would not be here, the Games Developers section would not be here if I said, "I'll let someone else do it". I have spent hours getting Games News so why don't you spend 5 minutes filling in this form.

If you won't fill it in for me, then do it for the future of the Amiga Games Market.

The petition is now available in ASCII Text format.

Ed Collins has started up a petition which will be sent out to Software houses asking them to develop games for the Amiga. Why not fill in his form and hopefully more games companies will develop games for the Amiga.

A copy of the petition form is below.

You can also sent your e-mails of support to Ed Collins at
collins-e (@)

Amiga Games Software Campaign

Please fill in the small form below by putting your name, e-mail address and Amiga specification and say why you would software companies to continue to support the Amiga. Be as long or short as you like and I will then pass all your comments onto as many different games companies as possible. E.G. Bullfrog, Ocean, Team 17, etc.

Personal Details

What is your name?
What is your e-mail address?

Computer Details

What is your Amiga?
    If other, please state?
What processor do you have?
What speed of processor? MHz
How much RAM do you have? MB
Do you have a Hard Drive?
    If yes, what size?
Do you have a CD-Rom Drive?
    If yes, what speed?

Your Game Comments Please...

Don't forget you can also sent your e-mails of support to Ed Collins at
collins-e (@)

If you are having problems with this form pass on the details requested via e-mail to the above address.

Check Ed Collins web site for more details at:-


E-mail - philip (@)

Please note the contents of all news articles are Copyrighted