Amiga Flame - News - Amiga Owners And Developers Be Positive

(*)Amiga Owners And Developers Be Positive(*)

I`ve seen people moan and say on the newsgroups that their machine is dead, but their wrong.

Why look at the new sofware developers and publishers who have been bringing us games now. Look at Andy Davidson who brought us Worms, his game is know by game users all over the world for being the most original. He`s now bringing us Worms: The Directors Cut and Worms 2.

Then take a look at Breathless which brought us a new look at games with 1*1 pixel. This game could be said to have started a revolution to the Amiga games industry, it showed us that their was a lot more yet to be discovered about are Amiga. This revolution has continued on with AB3D 2 and will soon be continued by Burnout form Vulcan Sofware.

Last year their was no CD-Rom games for the Amiga but look now and you find their on there way to us with Demistar, Kang Fu and we could even have Myst. Some of us have seen the demo. From what I have learned that a man from Poland made it even though he hadn`t permission. But he proved to us that it could be done that a game which got so many awards and attention from the press that it could be made for our AMIGA. That guy deserves a pat on the back it`s just a pity that companies wouldn`t look at his discovery instead of pulling legal action. Companies have not looked at the Amiga in the right way. When they look at the Amiga all they see is a old computer that has had it`s hay day and nothing more can be made on it. But they are far from wrong many games can be converted for the Amiga all they need is for people like that Polish guy to prove it. If he had of not made that demo of Myst and we asked them to make it. They would of simply said it can`t be done on your machine as it hasn`t got the power to run it. He had the right idea even though it`s illegal it could help save us.

I do hope like many others that Myst comes to us think of the repercussions, other companies would see a well known company bringing a game of such high quality to a machine they had written off. The amount of things we could say to other sofware companies such as if Cyan can make Myst then they should be able to make such and such. This is a opportunity we should not miss. E-mail them and tell them you`ll buy their game.

Looking through my present issues of AF and CU Amiga, you can see a new generation of games developers. Some might say their games aren`t all that good but just imagine what they`ll be able to do in time to come. Vulcan Sofware have proved this to us, their first ever game was Vallhalla which many magazines didn`t like. But look at what they`re going to bring us now six new titles of a brilliant standard. These are the type of people and companies which we should cherish and not just discount them at their first shot at making a game. They are what is keeping the Amiga alive and they our the future. If we brush them aside then we have no chance.

Due to the lack of games people have been expanding their Amiga to it`s full. People like you and me have been buying Accelerators with extra memory, CD-Rom drives and modems. No wonder sales of games have been low we have spent a lot of money upgrading the spec of our machines leading to the spec of games going up. We be proud of what we have achieved as now accelerators are cheaper meaning more people are expanding.

I`ve had enough of people saying my machine is dead. Dead means without life but I can tell you without hestition that there is life in are Amiga`s. If you you want to be negative about the Amiga then do it somewhere else but not in the newsgroups and not in the magazines.

We have a future with so many companies wanting to make Amiga`s it can only be a good thing. With Escom dead and the shops up for sale I have heard that the Anglican Corporation which helps to distribute Amiga`s in the UK could buy their shops. This is a good sign.

I`ve also heard a rumour that other retail shops had bought the Amiga stock and that they were now selling thousands in the UK. I can`t confirm this but I hope it`s true.

But we must not sit back, we should be telling software and hardware companies what we want. We should not be saying I`ll let everyone else do it and I`ve got no time. Make time. I personally E-mailed a games developer and gave him my support and he e-mailed me back thanking me. You can make a difference so don`t become apart of the problem by moaning my machine is dead, look at all the positive things that have happened and are still to come.

I hope people will agree with me.

E-mail Amiga Flame at philip(@)


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