Amiga Flame - News - Exclusive: Phantasmagoria

(*)Exclusive: Phantasmagoria(*)

(Hall)Alive Media Soft have just released details and screenshots of there first Amiga title, Phantasmagoria (tm) which looks awesome. Phantasmagoria (tm) was originally made by Sierra on a huge budget and released for the Mac, but now Alive Media Soft have converted it to the Amiga by using a special Emulator.

The story centres around a beautiful woman who has moved into an old mansion with her husband. They are the ultimate couple until Adrienne discovers a secret room which was once used for satanic cult gatherings where she releases a dark force which poseses her husband Don.


The game includes full speech throughout along with a very high quality soundtrack. For each of the 7 CD-Roms it comes on there is a 2-3 minute intro containing graphics and sound of the same quality as watching a movie. Alive Media Soft have told me that this is not one of those games with fancy graphics and not a lot else but really a moody atmospheric tension building and totally addictive game.


At present Phantasmagoria (tm) has been designed for the New Power Amigas being developed by Direct Software but Alive Media Soft have plans to have lower spec versions later. But to run at the lower spec you will need an 030 processor, 4x CD-Rom drive with around 8 Meg Ram.

Phantasmagoria (tm) Copyright Sierra



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