Amiga Flame - News - Exclusive: Pinball Brain Damage

(*)Exclusive: First Screenshots of Pinball Brain Damage(*)

(Magnetic_Whirlpool)The first screenshots of Pinball Brain Damage have just been released and they are looking great and I hope it plays as well as it looks.

There is 2 tables which have Pseudo 3D rendered tables of which are called Hypervolution and Magnetic Whirlpool. It has 400 tracks per second ball update including 3 ball multi-play and you have 3 directional tilt functions.

Pinball Brain Damage contains full motion animated option screens with incredibly high quality digitised effects and music. The requirements are AGA only with it coming on 6 disks, of which you can play it from floppy or hard disk. It will be available from Vulcan Software sometime in July/ August.

(Hypervolution)For more details there web site is at:-


E-mail - philip (@)

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