Amiga Flame - News - Explorer For The Amiga

(*)Explorer For The Amiga(*)

Perhaps you didn`t notice in CU Amiga that Microsoft could port Explorer to the Amiga.

Microsoft in the past have never looked at the Amiga but now they have. Some may say by using Explorer we are helping Gates but I personally believe that the repercussions could be enormous.

One of the most powerful companies in the world makes something for us. Netscape would be the first to take a look at the Amiga and I am sure magazines would pick up the story. This could then make games companies rethink the situation. They would simply say will if Microsoft are looking at the Amiga then pershaps we should.

CU Amiga left it in the hands of us as they will only develop Explorer if we e-mail them and tell them we want it. Although I hate pcs I will be asking Microsoft to make Explorer if only for the repercussions it could have.

We must not let this chance to be wasted e-mail and tell them you want it.

I e-mailed them and here is what they said.

Thanks for the feedback. I have gotten some other mails from fellow amiga users. Right now, we don't have plans to do a version as we are busy getting our macintosh and unix versions done. Once we complete these (and get a chance to breathe :) we may revisit. But no promises.

From reading this you can tell he has only received some e-mail so that is not going to make them develop it. They need more e-mails just like what is happening to Cyan so get involved as you can make a difference.


E-mail - philip (@)

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