Amiga Flame - News - Slipstream And More

(*)Slipstream And More(*)

Do you remember a while back their was a preview of a game called Justice well the author of the game cancelled it. But he did this because he was making a better game called Slipstream.

Slipstream is a full-fledged wipeout clone which according to the author will be 100% textured, light sourcing, alpha channels, shadows, and even tunnels.

Sounds nice and I have heard a demo has been posted to Aminet Central game/demo/slipstream.lha I have also heard that Vulcan Software is chasing him so lets hope a good publisher can step in.

More news is that Mutation Software who made Tiny Toy is now developing two new games, one for Christmas and one for the Spring.

The first one is Tommy Gun which is a type of shoot-em-up, it will be released at Christmas. The other game called Castle Kingdoms will be released in the Spring. I have no details on it at the moment but why not try their web site out below.

  • Mutation Software


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