Amiga Flame - Games Developers - Database Of Skilled Amiga Owners

(*)Database Of Skilled Amiga Owners(*)

As you can see this section is now getting filled up but it needs even more people, so get involved. To find what details are needed go to:-

  • Details Needed

    Field of Work Description Previous work Name and Contact E-mail address
    Musician Make music for games or any commercial software. High quality. Goran Myrland
    3D Games Programmer He would like to get into 3D gaming Has experience in a Commercial game in development at the moment called MAX Rally, looking to be a great game Mark Williams
    38 Butts Road, Penn, Wolverhampton, West Midlands, UK, WV4 5QA
    Musician Virtual Karting, Marathon, Battlecraft, Battleships II, Conquest, Headquarters, Witness Ruben Monteiro
    Programming, some music 80's-style games, abstract games, fast action or thinking games A tetris-version (never released). Doing my masters thesis in Computer Science (about Netware and Java, thus some network experience). Many unfinished game projects Stefan Blixt
    Musician Almost every kind of music, new challenges welcome Lots of modules, "scene" background, currently working on Phoenix and Darkchild. Markus Castren
    Programmer Anything that will help me learn a bit more on programming the Amiga. Have only used High Level Languages. Stephane Desrosiers
    Graphics Artist It would be fun to make graphics for some games to make the Amiga Games Market better. And I like to do anything from detailed small graphics (animations) to 3D (raytraced) pictures. Graphics done for unreleased game. To see really good examples check out almost all of the graphics are done by him. Thomas Palestig