Amiga Flame - News - Games Developers

(*)Games Developers(*)

I have seen many companies and people trying to get new members of staff to help them develop games for the Amiga. It isn't easy to do this with many developers consisting of only a few friends who want to make a game but need the help of someone in a peculiar field.

Many of them still develop there games but you can see the area the game lacks in. I have had enough of seeing a game that could be so much better if they had that programmer or musician. I have decided to offer the services of the Amiga Flame web site to help new games developers and companies get the people they need to develop the games they want to make.

Instead of advertising it on the Newsgroups or on there own web site they will get the chance to advertise on the Amiga Flame web site. They will have a chance to get the people they need and people who wish to offer there services to develop games can also advertise themselves in the Database Of Skilled Amiga Owners. This way the developers will be able to look through this database of skilled Amiga owners to ask them for there help.

People have called for this along time ago but no one was prepared to take up the big task. I have decided to answer these calls as this way we can have an increase in games development and the games will be of a higher quality.

I have also seen too many games going Shareware when really there game should be published by a Publisher. I know that some developers are afraid of approaching a publisher or are unsure how to, so I have with the help of Paul Carrington of Vulcan Software set up an advise page called How To Approach A Publisher which will tell you the best way to approach an publisher.

Whatever you do don't go Shareware as I have seen developers go Shareware and there game which could beat some of the games in the present Amiga market. I have watched them when are happy the game is released and then I have watched them tell me how there games sales are less than 50 copies. This really saddens me to see this happen and I don't want to have to watch another game go that way when it could go so much further if only they had got a Publisher.

I appeal to you now, go to publisher, show them the game or you will forever think about how far your game could have went. Remember with a publisher your game will have the chance to be played by every Amiga owner in the world. Take that Chance.

We must all remember that these Games Developers are the future of the Amiga and they need are support.

If you want to offer your services or you are a company looking for a new member of staff then check out the Games Developers section to find out the information needed to be sent.



E-mail - philip (@)

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