Amiga Flame - News - Charm Design Developing C&C Type Game

(*)Charm Design Developing C&C Type Game(*)

(Missile)Charm Design are developing a C&C type game for the Amiga. From what you can see it is in the later stages of development and is looking really good and hopefully it will be better than C&C.

The game will consist of 5 to 6 different terrain types and will have over 50 missions with the possibly of future mission disks.

(Building)It will have over 25 different types of vehicles of which there will be air, ground and sea forces. It will of course contain many different buildings so you can build vehicles and do lots more.

(Battle)There will also be the option for nullmodem for two player mode which will be brilliant for users who have this. If you want more info on their game check their web site.

(Vehicle)There web site is



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