Amiga Flame - News - The CD-Rom Revolution Is Upon Us

(*)The CD-Rom Revolution Is Upon Us(*)

As you may have already heard from the News article above Vulcan Software have now gone CD-Rom only. But Vulcan Software are not the only ones moving the market towards CD-Rom.

Games Developers are now creating stunning CD-Rom games that will hopefully drive even more Amiga Owners to upgrade to CD-Rom status.

Amiga Flame supports these moves by both Publishers and Developers as we must try to not only create games that can not only challenge the pc market but games that can beat pc games. These companies now need are support as they have left it in are hands, its time to UPGRADE.

Take a look at the new section, Future CD-Rom Game Releases and see for yourself at all the CD-Rom games in development. Now, more than ever you have the best reason to Upgrade your Amiga.


E-mail - philip (@)

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