Amiga Flame - News - First Screenshots Of Myst

(*)First Screenshots Of Myst(*)


(Window_View)The first screenshots of Myst have now been released with them looking totally amazing containing very detailed graphics.

It is so good to see Myst Saga is now coming to an end with ClickBOOM buying the rights to develop and publish Myst for the Amiga.

If you don't already what Myst is about will then listen up. Myst is the best-selling CD-ROM game ever, and the best-selling game of 1996 both on PC and Mac. Myst is a CD-ROM adventure game containing some astounding graphics of which will be ported over to the Amiga.

(Path_through_Trees) (Bedroom)

The spec of the game will be CD-Rom only with around 4MB of Fast Ram needed. They hope to release it sometime in the summer.

(Path_through_Trees) (Bedroom)

ClickBOOM are already the proud makers of Capital Punishment one of the highest award games for the Amiga and lets hope that ClickBOOM will develop Myst to even a higher quality.

For more details check out CickBOOM's web site at:-



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