Amiga Flame - News - Zone 99 From Aurora Works

(*)Zone 99 From Aurora Works(*)

(Action)You may remember that I did a previous article on Aurora Works about all the games they have in development, but now I have more details and screenshots on their first game Zone 99.

Just in case you don't remember Aurora Works are a new Amiga games company based in Canada. They'll be bringing us some top quality games in 1997 and beyond.

Zone 99 will hopefully be released in Spring 97. They are currently thinking of adding TCP/IP support so it could be played over the Internet.

Zone 99 is a type of action strategy game which can have two players or more playing at once. In the game you are a hover tank that has to go through 99 zones full of puzzles and bad guys.

(Fire)As you can see from the screenshots the game is looking great and I have even been told that they have improved the graphics further.

I'll have more details and on this game and more in the future but in the meantime check out their web site at:-


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