Amiga Flame - News - An Open Letter To The Amiga Community

(*)An Open Letter To The Amiga Community(*)

There is much eutsthanisim and excitement among the Amiga Community with the Buyout of the Amiga by Gateway 2000. I know many people are waiting for announcements from them of which they will be coming at the World Of Amiga Show.

But I feel this week that I have to inform you of a danger that has now presented us with a problem that could wreck the backbone of the Amiga Games Market.

I know that I have always brought you positive News but if this message is not got out or it is ignored then I can't see a future Games Market.

The problem is with us all, Sales of Amiga Games have fallen to awful levels. It's not because there aren't enough Amiga Owners but because we are not Buying any Amiga Games. Ask yourself when was the last time you bought a New game, ask your friends. You'll find that you have not being buying games and this is a worrying trend throughtout the Amiga Community.

If this continues anymore we will start loosing Publishers and not just the small Publishers but even the Big Publishers as they can't make a profit. Every Amiga Publisher has been effected. Unfortunately it has been too late for some and so we must act now before we loose more.

There are plenty of Games Developers but there aren't enough Publishers so we must cherish them all. We must not only give are support in words but we need actions, we must Buy some games.

I urgent you today, to look at the present games on the market and buy at least one and at least you know that you have played your part in keeping the Publishers Alive. New Games cost less than 20 UK pounds so for the sake of the future of the Games Market BUY. The current releases are definitely not any ordinary type games but they are of the highest quality we have ever seen especially with some of them being aimed at high spec machines.

We must act now or I fear that the announcements at the World Of Amiga Show could be marred by the Closure of Publishers.

Please heed this advice. BUY NOW to secure a prospectus future for us all.


E-mail - philip (@)

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