CONTENTS - Issue 91 (December 1996)


Data Chrome
Banish incompatible file misery with the full version of Data Chrome. Plus: The programming language ACE BASIC 2.4

A collection of four games, led by this addictive trail time-waster. Plus: Nerdkill, Atoms and Spacewars.


Our biggest ever collection of reader conbtributions - over 200Mb of your animations, pictures, video, backdrops, programs and games. Plus the full version of Data Chrome and ACE BASIC, Perl and EMACS for all you budding programmers. Should keep you busy until next month.


Bargains Ahoy
It's not always easy, these days, to find good suppliers of Amiga products. So we went shopping ourselves to see where you can get a range of Amiga goods at reasonable prices. The results of our survey will help you make your Christmas list.


DrawStudio coming soon

The creators of ImageStudio bring us a new program for Amiga artists.

In the background

A new CD from E.M.Computergraphic with 500 different backdrops.

Win the entire Sadeness collection

Sadeness are looking for a name for their new CD - an they're offering a great prize. Plus a look at some of the Women on the Web.


Directory Opus 5.5
Everybody needs a file manager, so it is a little surprising that DOpus is the leader in a field of one - but is it in danger of outdoing itself? Nick Veitch is the man with the mission to find out...

Art Effect
We featured a demo of this excellent new art package on last month's Coverdisk. Now Ben Vost gives you the definitive review of version 1.1. Have Haage & Partner really created a program for the Amiga that can rival Photoshop?

Epic Interactive Encyclopedia
CD-ROM Ideal for children, students or those with a desire to learn. There are other encyclopaedia's for the Amiga but this latest release from Epic promises something a little different.

Enjoying your favourite movie on VideoCD has been the preserve of CD32 owners - until now. The long-awaited SMD-100 is about to change all that and Graeme Sandiford believes it's about time.


Multimedia Tutorial
Avoid the possible pitfalls involved in animation.
Alien Breed 3D II Tutorial
Using the object editor in AB3D II to create simple cubes is straightforward - providing you read Andy Clitheroe's tutorial.
Real 3D2
Graeme Sandiford has obviously been inspired by Bath's beautiful architecture. This month he creates his own Georgian mansion.
OctaMED Tutorial
Darren Irvine continues looking at how OctaMED can control external instruments.
Blitz Tutorial
Text-only web pages make for dull browsing. John Kennedy shows you how to brighten things up.


PD Select
Robert Polding reviews a selection of games, a diskmag and some revision tools.
Whatever your ailment, the clinic that is Workbench will try and sort it out.
Darren Irvine is feeling unfit. This month's topic - sport.
Make the most of our superb offers and get your favourite Amiga mag delivered to your door.
Your views in print.


Kang Fu: You can call him Klont

Blobz: Guide your blobz to safety

Reader Games:The Winner

A highly graphical point and click adventure, called The Haunting, yet another game called Enigma - with no links to Atrophy, Jet Pilot, a new flight simulator from Vulcan and a killer tomato with attitude called Tommy Gun - all these products on their way to an Amiga store near you very soon.

Kang Fu
A kangaroo called Klont wearing blue shorts and with a penchant for martial arts may seem like a strange idea for a game. Andy Smith was less than impressed but you'll have to read the review to find out why he didn't like this new CD32 game from Holland.

Control your little characters as they move around 2D platforms. Sound familiar? Blobz is Lemmings really - with a few bits of Worms thrown in. But is Blobz as good as the classic games it was cloned from?

Reader Games
Many games take their inspiration from popular classics (like Blobz for example) and that isn't a bad thing at all. Andy Smith looks at some clones sent in by you - the readers.

We promised you the complete solution and here it is - the concluding part of KGB. Plus tips and hints on Alien Breed 3D II, Dungeon Master, Humans III and Hillsea Lido.