CONTENTS - Issue 88 (September 1996)


It's an amazing animation packaged designed for video titling but capable of much, much more

Collect the bananas and free the boulders in this Nineties-style Boulderdash clone. Plus: Kumquat


Pure GeniOS

If Viscorp stick to their word, the Amiga will have a new operating system very soon. Ben Vost takes a look at the current state okf affairs and compares Workbench with its counterparts on the Mac and PC.

Networking - part three

In the last part of our feature on networking, John Kennedy has some final words of advice and some guidance on where to go from here for more information.

UNIX for free

NetBSD, the replacement operating system, is the best implementation of UNIX for modern Amigas. With it you can run a huge range of software. Simon N Goodwin explains how it's done.


Escom? Gone?
Computer 'giants' Escom crash and burn shortly after the Amiga sale is made official - will this complicate the transfer of ownership?

White Knight drops prices
England's biggest distributor of high-end Amiga video editing solutions makes it all more affordable.

Active launch NetConnect
Did you find it hard to get on the Internet? So did Active Software, which is why they've come up with the layman's solution to getting online.


Monument Designer
If video work is your forte and you've got a creative streak, then Graeme Sandiford has the perfect answer. Momument Designer has been very popular in Germany for several years and it's finally been converted into English.

Final Writer 5
After Wordsworth 5 from Digita arived in the Amiga Format office, we knew it was only a matter of time before Softwood released their latest version of Final Writer. And sure enough, here it is. David Taylor decides whether version five of this mighty word pro meets the high standard of its competitor.

This accelerator board from GVP for the Amiga 4000 should improve memory capacity and disk drive and processor speed. Simon N Goodwin attached it to his Amiga and put it through its paces.

Apollo 1260
The new Apollo accelerator is incredibly fast and it is also capable of taking up to 32Mb on a single 72-pin SIMM. But is there anything here that can't be found elsewhere? David Taylor has all the answers.

We've got Aminet 12, Magic Publisher and MODs Anthology, to name but a few. Ben Vost has has a good look to see which ones you should be adding to your collection.


Internet Tutorial
You would soon get bored of the Internet without the ability to send e-mails. Darren Irvine has some useful advice on choosing the right e-mail system.

OctaMED Tutorial
last month we looked at the basic concepts behind OctaMED. This month it's time to start thinking about menu options and the basic methods of song construction.

Real 3D2
Create your own landscape, complete with water, ground and a tree. Graeme Sandiford continues his tutorial looking at the new features of version 2.

Blitz Basic
Blitz Tutorial
Now that we can create a window larger than the screen display, John Kennedy shows how to integrate it into the existing HTML code.


Internet Tutorial
Nick Veitch takes a deep breath and fills you in on what's been going on over the last few weeks.

PD Select
There's a host of new PD games and utilities reviewed for you this month.

We get hundreds of Workbench letters every month and we endeavour to help as many of you as we can. Graeme Sandiford is the man with all the answers.
There are new Web sites croppin gup on the Internet on a daily basis. Darren Irvine has all the details on the new locations that may be of interest to Amiga users.

Send your views and opinions in to Nick Veitch and he'll think up a witty reply.


Alien Breed 3D II: Cor blimey!

Gamebusters:Tips on XP8

Andy Smith ponders the future of the Amiga games market and previews a selection of new games, including several created using the Reality Software Construction Kit from BPM.

World Golf
It's notoriously hard to produce a really good golf game on the computer - and at the end of he day it's a rather boring game anyway! Andy Smith agrees, but World Golf has some endearing qualities.

Alien Breed 3D II
It's finally here. Perhaps the most important game release this year, the long-awaited sequel to Alien Breed could be the savious of the Amiga games market. With a cohesive storyline, intelligent aliens and ground-breaking lighting and sound effects, this is one you simply cannot afford to miss.

Reader Games
Another selection of games written by you, and there really are some good-quality ones being sent in. Keep up the good work, and if you game's the best of the bunch you could find yourself the luck winner of £50 - add anohter £10 and you'll have enough to buy yourself two copies of the excellent Alien Breed 3D II.

if you just can't get onto the next level or you can't find the last gold coin, then help may be just around the corner. We've got loads of handy hints, tips and words of wisdom for you to help you on your gaming way.