CD-Rom Round-up

GTI € +49 6171 85937 € £14.99

This disc of animations and viewing programs has one claim to fame - it's a multi-platform CD that can be used not only on the Amiga and the PC but also, apparently, the Mac too.

The drawback of this clever-sounding idea is that most of the animations have been produced on the PC and are, therefore, in the FLI format. Second problem is that the quality of the animations varies widely, but most are frankly crap.

The Amiga-generated animations are quite decent examples, but they are all pretty old. You'll find elderly offerings from AGATron and Eric Schwartz.

Not all of the anims are rubbish, but the poor ones outweigh the better ones quite substantially. If you are looking for an animation CD you might try the TGV Animation disc reviewed last issue.

"A lot of poor and old animations with few good ones."


Light Rom Volume 2 - Texture Gallery - Ten On Ten - Animatic - Graphic Sensations