Hi, my name is Adam Mawson, and I am sending these renders of mine to be in the reader/AFCD contribution. I am just 16 years old, and all of these objects I modelled by myself with the Imagine 2 coverdisk. I have an A1200 600Mb Hard Drive + DKB Cobra '030 40/33 + 10Mb ram. I started off using the Imagine 2 coverdisk back in early '94 on my A500 1Mb ram, and no hard drive! Also, none of the brushmaps were scanned, since I couldn't afford a scanner I drew them myself in PPaint! - and this is how far I got - I recently got a small job doing screensavers/backdrops for the computers at the local Milk Authority (that explains the 4cartons picture) How about that!