EasyLedgers II
Professional Accounting software for Amiga.
EasyLedgers II organizes your records into computerized `books'.
No complicated codes to learn, no account numbers to remember if you don't
want to use them. You simply place accounts in the books.
- General Ledger has facilities for posting receipts, payments and journal
entries. Automatically updated from the other books. Reports for journals,
audit trail, trial balance, account histories, cashbook, Profit & Loss
Statement, Balance Sheet and Company Performance Ratio.
- Debtors Ledger using the open item or balance forward accounting. Invoice
printing with pricing, tax, discounts and totalling. Manual overrides.
Entry of hand-written invoices, credits, receipts and journal adjustments.
Produces statements, address labels, sales analysis, aged balance lists,
etc. Fully integrated with Ledger and Inventory.
- Creditors Ledger using open item balance forward accounting methods.
Enter supplier invoices, credits, payments and journal adjustments. Produces
remittances, labels, balance lists, histories. Integrated with Ledger and
Control and Inventory / Price Book:-
- Stock Control and Price Book handles three price scales with auto price
changing facilities. Stocktake results and track goods in/out. Integrated
with other books. Reports for price list, re-ordering report, sales and
valuation, movement history.
Full Job
- Full Job Costing for Estimating and Quotation. Designed to suit the
wide range of invoicing needs for service industries.
Retail price is AUS$299.00, (US$199.00)
Contact your local distributor for further
The current version of EasyLedgers II has been totally rewritten from
earlier versions produced by Sybiz. It is now fully compatible with all
Amiga operating systems from WB2.0 and above. Minimum configuration is
Workbench 2.0, 2Mb memory and a hard drive. We offer an upgrade to any
existing users of the older versions. The upgrade is $200.00 and is available
ONLY from GPSoftware or SmallBiz software.
Download a demonstration version of EasyLedgers II here. (320K)
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Copyright © 1995 Greg
Perry, GPSoftware. Last Updated on 7th October 1995