An HTML editor for the Amiga
About the author & some greetz
Please send ideas, bug report, registrations, gifts, criticisms, etc to:
Esteve Boix Sánchez
Av.Bases de Manresa 14, 1-1a
08240 Manresa, Barcelona
My email address is:stv@minorisa.es
You can find me sometimes in the IRCs (#amigacafe and #iberamiga in Undernet), with the nickname 'Stv'.
You'll find information about WebPlug and all my other programs for the Amiga in my homepage, http://www2.minorisa.es/~stv.
This page also contains a link to WebPlug distribution in LZX format.
My thanks go to (hey, no particular order):
- Brave betatesters:
- Christian Kemp, Victor Garcia, Klaus 'kmel' Melchior and Xavier Barbellido.
- Special thanks go to...
- ...all the people that has registered WebPlug.
- This program uses (and/or wouldn't be here without)...
- AmigaE Compiler by Wouter van Oortmerssen
- MUI © Stefan Stuntz
- Textfield.gadget © Mark Thomas (changed your email address ? Please contact me !)
- Busy.mcc © Klaus 'kmel' Melchior
- (who's left ?)
I've written WebPlug using AmigaE v3.2e, from Wouter van Oortmerssen. These HTML docs have been, of course, created using WebPlug, and they have been tested on AWeb ©Yvon Rozijn, VoyagerNG ©Oliver Wagner, IBrowse ©Omnipresence Intl., Netscape® (via ShapeShifter :-P ) and Internet Explorer 3.01beta (idem eadem idem).
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