Syntax14b.Scn.FntUSyntax10.Scn.Fnt Z ParcElemsAlloc  Z Syntax10i.Scn.Fnt!StampElemsAlloc21 Feb 95TSyntax10b.Scn.Fnt!2%.5c#"/1D \   q Z "21 Feb 95 %c  ,l , Z    z  *S];k1 ,1>p Z  !Following changes are in the new release: (the last release was on Tuesday, 9.Nov.94) DialogKeplers.Mod Kepler items support incorporation of graphs compatible with the Kepler package into dialogs. The command of this item will be executed by a mouse click.  DEFINITION DialogKeplers; (* Markus Knasmller 31 Oct 94 -  *) IMPORT Dialogs, Display, Files, KeplerGraphs, TextFrames, TextPrinter; CONST W = 100; H = 100; TYPE Item = POINTER TO ItemDesc; ItemDesc = RECORD(Dialogs.ObjectDesc) graph: KeplerGraphs.Graph END; PROCEDURE (g: Item) Draw (x, y: INTEGER; f: Display.Frame); (* displays the object at (x, y) in frame f *) PROCEDURE (g: Item) Print (x, y: INTEGER); (* prints the object at printer coordinates (x, y) *) PROCEDURE (g: Item) Copy (VAR dup: Dialogs.Object); (* allocates dup and makes a deep copy of o. Before calling this methode dup should be equal NIL *) PROCEDURE (g: Item) Load (VAR r: Files.Rider); (* reads the object from rider r *) PROCEDURE (g: Item) Store (VAR r: Files.Rider); (* writes the object to rider r *) PROCEDURE (g: Item) Handle (f: Display.Frame; VAR m: Display.FrameMsg); (* handles messages which were sent to frame f *) PROCEDURE (g: Item) Edit (); (* opens a graphic frame for editing the properties of the object *) PROCEDURE Insert; (* Insert (name | ^ ) inserts a graphic - item in the panel containing the caret position *) PROCEDURE Update; END DialogKeplers. DialogUtils.Mod This is a new module, which offers some predefined dialogs and utilities for working with the Dialogs package:  DEFINITION DialogUtils; (* Markus Knasmueller 18.Nov.94 -  *) IMPORT Dialogs; VAR msgbox, prompt: Dialogs.Panel; (* predefined dialogs *) PROCEDURE Open (p: Dialogs.Panel; x, y: INTEGER); (* opens a viewer at x, y showing panel p. If it is possible the whole panel will be displayed *) PROCEDURE MessageBox (x, y: INTEGER; msg, cmd: ARRAY OF CHAR); (* creates and displays a panel at x, y that contains message msg, and a pushbutton connected with cmd *) PROCEDURE Prompt (x, y: INTEGER; msg, cmd: ARRAY OF CHAR); (* creates and displays a panel at x, y that contains message msg, and a pushbutton connected with cmd and a text item named "t" *) END DialogUtils. Some little changes: The dialog Insert.Dlg is a bit smaller and has a "Set" button. A dialog needs less place on the disk because of a new storing algorithmus (see Panel.Store and Panel.Load). A DialogFrame has now a new component pat, which can be used as a background pattern. A dialog object is now a bit smaller (name only 16 bytes, cmd and par only 32 bytes). The top and bottom margin of text items are now a bit smaller (one point instead of three). The standard font has changed from Syntax12b to Syntax10. DialogSliders.Item has a new method SetdY for setting the value of sliderdY. DialogIntegerSliders.Item has a new component maxValue. Setting it determines the highest possible value of sliderdY. DialogStaticTexts.Item has a new component a for alignment and also a new method SetAlign. The object component par can contain the names of text items or combo boxes and Oberon strings that should be concatenated to form Oberon.Par.text. (The command cmd can assume that Oberon.Par.text contains the texts defined through the property par (e.g. if par = "t1 t2 "t3"" and if there is a text item t1 containing the text "name" and also a text item t2 containing the text "text", then the command can assume that Oberon.Par.text contains the text "name text t3".)) DialogStaticTexts can be aligned (left, right or center). The new name for DialogIntegerSliders is DialogIntSliders. This was necessary because the length of the module name is limited to twenty characters on various Oberon platforms (e.g. Sparc Oberon).  Markus Knasmller Dialog.Changes