TMD2LWO 3D CONVERT PSX TMD to Lightwave LWO 3D Format Converter !!It's about time!!:) Instructions: 1) Simply find a TMD file on any PSX disc. 2) Run TMD2LWO on the file with the following arguments: TMD2LWO input.tmd output input.tmd = PSX TMD file Output = prefix for LWO file(s) Example: TMD2LWO pad.tmd pad This will take the file pad.tmd and write out each of the objects it contains to a file called pad#.lwo (object #1 = pad1.lwo, object #2 = pad2.lwo, etc...) 3) Load the object into Lightwave or Modeler! NOTE: You may have to flip the polys in modeler (hotkey = 'f') but hopefully not:) Misc: Only one type of TMD is currently supported. The other type uses physical memory addresses- support for these will come later if anyone can e-mail me an example of this type of file (I couldn't find one.) Support for PMD models will be added as soon as I can find one. All models are stripped of surfaces when converted so you will have to resurface the object in modeler. (All polys are given the surface "Default"... this may change in the future but unlikly... you can also try using my image file converters to convert any image maps. Hint: 44.5 (or a little less) is a good setting for smoothing. Games I had with TMD models: F111X-Agile Warrior, Toshinden-2, Resident Evil, Twisted Metal, a bunch of discs from European/UK PSX magazines, US PSX Demo discs. (Possibly PSX UNderground discs) There are probably a lot more out there... I don't have a huge selections of games. See the JPGs for some examples that I found. Once again - All code written by STRUCTURe - (from) The Immaculate Hood - Special Thanks to Hido Genshi for support. STUCTURe can be reached at This software was created on an Amiga 3000/040/CGX-3D using SAS/C (even though now I have a PC with MSVC++... AmigaOS rules and MS couldn't code themselves out of a paper bag!@ ) If you have a PC get LINUX! You won't be sorry! This software is FREEWARE. If you like it and have any comments or suggestions please e-mail me at DISTRIBUTION and other cool stuff: NOTE: This software is intended for educational use only. Users are reminded that they should not violate any copyright laws. 3D models are copyrighted by the game's authors and may not be used in any way without their permission. This software was intended to allows PSX game owners to explore their purchased software and also in the interest game development. See how the game pros build models for real-time 3D (then write something cool for the Yaroze!) -struct BTW- There are some lovely TIM images on WOXL (Use my TIM2TGA program)